Chapter 65 Collapse

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Chapter 65 

"Tell me where she is!" Ace growled at Hira when he pulled her back from the water.

Hira threw up and stared at Ace. She was wearing her own face and had reclaimed her mermaid tails. "Why are you so eager to know where she is?"

"I'm asking the questions here," Ace explained. "Now you either tell me where she is or you're going back into the water until you forget you can even breathe underwater."

"You are not getting her back just to make her your slave!!" Hira screamed at him.

Ace's brow furrowed in rage. "Do you think I'm doing this to turn her into a slave? She can't seem to do anything helpful without causing problems! I might not have put up with her in the first place if it hadn't been for the fact that she was about to choose the future king of Thalia!"

Something about the way that he said it hurts. He's putting up with me just because I have the power to choose the future king of Thalia? Really? I thought we...if not a friend then maybe an acquaintance. But this? He made it sound like I was a tool.

Ace noticed me for the first time when he looked up. When he did, I half expected him to apologize or at least appear guilty, but he didn't seem bothered at all. "Were you standing there the entire time?"

I heard a slight shift in the bushes to my left and turned to see golden brown fur jumping into it. Well, I guess that's it for my furry little friend. "Sort of," I answered.

Ace let out an annoyed grunt. "Well, why didn't you say something? You made me suffer by touching this fish girl over here!"

"Hey!" Hira protested but Ace didn't say anything to it.

His lack of guilt for what he said somehow angered me. "Oh, so now it's my fault? I didn't ask you to come!" I retorted while placing my hands on my hips.

"You didn't give us a choice because you were gone for so long, and the twins could not track you!"

"I can take care of myself."

Ace gave me a once over and snorted. "Yeah. You look great." He said sarcastically which only infuriated me more.

"At least I was able to make it out on my own," I said and left out the part about the little wolf helping me. He doesn't need to know that I had a little help.

"Thank goodness you were able to do something right." He said. "For a second there, I thought you were useless. You volunteered to fetch water for us, and you didn't come back."


"I don't really have a choice since someone made me feel guilty for being the only one having anything to do."


"It's not my fault. I'm not the one who fed our food to my horse you know."

"Seriously you two. I'm still here."

"And it's not my fault that you are here with the purpose of helping me for your own benefit." I screamed at him with rage as I remembered his words.

"Hey. Are you guys even giving a shit about me?"

"What do you mean?" The bastard asked, making me roll my eyes at his fake innocence.


"Oh, don't pretend to not know. I heard you say it."

"Excuse me."

"Say what?!"

"That you're keeping me alive so you can have a chance to become king of Thalia!!"

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