Chapter 76 Cute + Bastard = Custard

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Chapter 76

I was dreaming. Dreaming of a far-off land. There were houses and huts. People were walking alongside animals. I saw a man with a huge green snake around his neck, a woman riding on the back of a bear, a little girl with a monkey, a middle-aged man with a hawk on his shoulder, a bald man with a mountain lion - there's too much for me to tell.

In my dream, I was walking. And as I did, I felt a presence beside me. A shadow of some sort. It was very small, like a puppy. I saw the little brown wolf looking at me and barking when I glanced down. I blinked in confusion.

Why is the little wolf here in my dreams?

Suddenly, I noticed that all the villagers stopped and turned in my direction. When they saw me, they made a clear pathway for me and made a bow.

What's happening here?

I looked at the little brown wolf, but he was already gone and replaced by a huge red-eyed white wolf. He stood tall and majestic like an Alpha. He was so beautiful and mesmerizing that I almost forgot that he was a killer and almost attacked Dan.


Realization hit me. How is Dan? Is he alive? This is no time for me to be dreaming! I have to wake up now and check up on Dan and the others!

I closed my eyes and willed myself to wake. Come on, Rose. Wake up! Wake up!

I suddenly felt myself slowly shifting into reality when someone from my dream placed a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked back. The wolf beside me turned to the stranger too and bowed its head as if in respect. Curious about the wolf's behavior, I looked up at the figure. The image was a bit blurry in my dream, but I could tell that it was a man. He was smiling at me. "Finally." He says. "You're home." Then he turned to the white wolf. "You take good care of her." He said and the wolf let out a howl that made me have goosebumps.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The man did not answer me. He simply gazes at me with longing and guilt. I don't know why but something tells me that I should know him. Some part of me wanted to reach out to him, but the moment that I did, he disappeared.


Someone was moving me, and I could feel it. I felt myself being carried and suddenly felt my bruises.

"Hey, easy there, vampire. You're hurting her."

"I'm doing the best I could, so shut up. And keep an eye on that wolf."

"Yeah yeah."

I began moving my fingers in an attempt to bring myself back to reality. When that was done, I started to move my toes and felt very awake.

"Hey, I think she's waking up."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Nate looking at me. "Morning." He greeted me. I smiled and tried getting up when I felt pain in my shoulder. I hissed.

"Hey, careful. Your wounds may have healed, but your bruises haven't." Nate carefully helped me sit up. My eyes widened with horror when I noticed that he still had poop on his hair, so I decided to look away.

I would not be the one to mention that to him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted."

"For how long?"

"Just a couple of hours."

I started to look around me and found out that we were in a different part of the forest. I saw Prince Ace sitting on the log with his eyes closed in concentration while the twins were busy eyeing something that I could not see because they had their backs facing us.

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