Chapter 44 Nymphs

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Chapter 44 

I changed out of my clothes and had a lengthy bath as soon as I got home. I was cleaning off the dirt and perspiration from my early adventure with the twins, as well as the aroma of horses. Earlier this day, it seemed like I had the best time of my life with Ren and Dan. Happy and completely oblivious at Fred's departure.

How could my day just go down the drain in just a few hours? The world has a funny way of showing you its humor. It sucks.

After cleaning, I put on some new and fresh clothes. With a towel in hand, I walked around in my room as I dried my hair. Once it was damp, I settled on taking a brush and combing it through, untangling the ends.

When my hair was completely dry, I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. What Nate said about Fred becoming the next heir to the kingdom suddenly made me think about Fred.

Who knew Fred had a lot of weight on his shoulders? Just thinking about having the responsibility of ruling his kingdom even though he was in Thalia must be hard, and killing him. I can just imagine the training he must be taking when he was a kid: How to act like a prince...and eventually a king.

In his letter, he wrote to the king and queen how he was grateful he was for his stay. His short time here must have been considered precious.

But if he had all that burden, how can he still smile? Laugh? Be so nice and not sick and twisted like Ace?

I suddenly remembered a saying: The person with the brightest smile is the one hurting the most.

Just thinking about it made me ache again. I want to help him. I want to help Fred. I wanna ask him. Give him a choice on what he really wants to do.

Tell him that he doesn't have to do what he doesn't want to. He's not a slave. Everyone is free to make their own choices.

I want to talk to him.

I went out of the balcony in my room so I could get my fresh air. It was a cold night that I had to wear a cloak even though I was only on my balcony. I stared into the forest and thought about Fred.

My thoughts were broken when I heard a song - soft and mellow. It was coming from the forest.

As the melody continued to play, I felt like my body was swaying into the tune. Then, before I knew it, I lost my consciousness.


"...damn it! Wake up!" I was suddenly shaken awake by none other than Prince Ace.

I gasped and pushed him away. "What are you doing in my room?!" I demanded.

"You must still be dreaming to think of this as your room!" He snapped.

I raised an eyebrow at him. Suddenly I was aware of my surroundings. I wasn't in my room anymore. In fact, we were in the forest. My eyes widened. "How did I get here?" I asked.

Suddenly I heard laughter. A transparent figure suddenly emerged from a tree. "Spirit nymph." Ace said and pushed me behind him. "And there are a lot of them." I followed his gaze to see that there were more of them emerging from different directions.

"Rose. Ace!" Nate called out and emerged from the forest, followed by the twins. The twins were still wearing their riding outfits while Nate was simply wearing some trousers, a shirt, and a thin coat. He was probably going to bed.

"It's PRINCE." Ace snapped at him.

"What the-" Ren paused when he saw the spirit nymphs, who were now starting to surround us. The princes drew into a circle with me in the center.

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