Chapter 45 Royal Family Problem

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Chapter 45

Someone shook me awake. "Rose, wake up. It's time to go." I didn't move. I was still so sleepy that my eyes would not cooperate. "Rose? Come on. We have to go." I mumbled in my sleep and turned away from the voice. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Prince Ace, what are you doing?"

All of a sudden, I felt a thick material covering me - including my face. When I tried to breathe, I felt so suffocated that I immediately sat up. The fabric fell from my face. I breathed deeply in annoyance as I awoke and looked up at the person standing in front of me. I saw Ace with his arms crossed, giving me an aggravated look. His midnight blue eyes pierce through me. "Oh, you're still alive? For a second there, I thought you were dead. I was ready to bury you."

I looked at the fabric now on my lap before looking at him. My eyes narrowed in anger, and I got up and held the material to his face. "Were you the one who threw this on me?" I asked. Fuming in anger as I demanded.

Ace looked at the fabric, then at my face. He gave me a look as if I was stupid or just plain retarded. The typical Ace Feraden look that makes you feel like you are inferior to him. "Who else?" He said. His voice showed resentment towards me that I couldn't help, but mirror as my fist clenched at my sides.

Somewhere I heard one of the twins say, "Oh boy."

"Are you trying to kill me, you failed abortion prince?!" I fumed.

"Depends on what kind of stupid stunt are you gonna pull next."

"How about I cut your elf ears for you?"

Before things could get worse between Ace and I, Nate decided to intervene as he stood between us. "Okay, enough." He said uneasily. "As much as I'd like the delay, I'm afraid that you might kill each other sooner or later. Why don't we go and get a move on, now." Nate placed a hand at my back when none of us seemed to move and guided me away from Ace. But before I moved, I gave the said PRINCE one final glare before turning my back on him.

"Wow, in times like these, I badly wish Fred was here," Nate said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Guess he's still pissed that we're stuck in this situation, which may or may not be my fault." I shrugged and continued to trudge forward. "If he's so mad, he doesn't have to act like a baby about it."

Nate chuckled. "Indeed." We stopped in front of Nate's horse as he bent down to pick up his saddle. He didn't even grumble as he effortlessly placed the saddle on his horse.

As Nate buckled the saddle on, I asked. "Are you guys mad at me too?"

"For what?" Nate didn't look as he patted his horse.

"For, you know, getting lured." Nate finally looked up from his horse. He studied my face that I had to fight the urge not to hide from his stare. Finally, his lips curved into a smile as he leaned on to his horse.

"What will you do if I tell you I am?" He said.

"Nothing really," I answered. I felt a hand suddenly being placed on top of my head and messing up my hair. "Hey!" I let out a protest and slapped Nate's hand away. "What gives? My hair is already a mess." I glared and tried to comb out my hair.

When I looked up, Nate was beaming at me. "I was kidding, Rose. Well, not really. You can say that I was a bit frustrated at first about the situation, but I know that it's not your fault." Then he jerked his thumb behind him towards the twins, where Ren was trying to wake Dan up. Then he threw the saddle on his brother's face. Dan woke up with a start and started strangling Ren.

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