Chapter 42 End it With a Goodbye

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Chapter 42

We soon arrived at a vast expanse of greenery. The twins set the mat a few feet from a cliff. At first, I was horrified and afraid that we might fall. But when Ren and Dan started to drag me toward the edge, that's when I calmed down. Despite the danger of being near that cliff, the view was to die for. Literally.

It was beautiful. I can see a large expanse of trees lining at the bottom. And just ahead of that is a town buzzing with life. I can also see the mountains just ahead of it, looking blue from a distance. The breeze here was calm and cold to the skin. But not too cold to make you shiver.

"Wow." I exhaled as I took it all in.

"Neat, huh? Dan and I found this place during one of our runs at night." Ren stood beside me. His head looked back, and he smiled at me. "The place is set now. Come on, and let's eat."

I let Ren pull me back, seeing as the view has hypnotized me. We both sat and joined Dan on the blanket as he cheerfully brought out what was in the basket.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their socket when I saw what they had packed: A slice of whole meat, some bread, jam, water, mashed potatoes, salad, and different varieties of fruits.

"Are we running away or something? You guys packed a lot!" I said.

"Well, would you rather let us not pack at all?" Questioned Dan. When I shook my head no, he smiled and said, "See? It's better to be prepared. You will never know when you're hungry."

With that, I stopped arguing and sat down to eat as much as I could while smiling and joking with the twins. Then we got to talking about the ball that night.

"Did you see me last night?" Dan started to brag. "The ladies could not resist my charm." He started to brag.

Ren and I exchanged glances, and we both held a look before we turned to Dan and threw a grape at him.

"Hey!! You guys are wasting food." He told us. "I know you guys envy me, but you don't have to be a hater for it. Sheesh!!"

"Yeah. Thank you for taking my cape last night." Ren said.

"And for leaving us to deal with all those girls," I added.

Dan jerked up and looked at both of us suspiciously and pointed an accusing finger at us. "Hey. Rose, being Ren's twin is not your job. It's mine. You have other roles to play." He said. And before I could ask what he meant. He added. "And we're even. Your admirers crowded me last night, and I have to crawl my way out of them."

With that, Ren and I laughed at the memory of Dan becoming lost in a wave of girls. I never heard anything of him or saw him after that. "Where did you go after that?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Somewhere where I can't be seen." He said.

"Let me guess...behind the giant curtains." Ren guessed, and Dan feigned a gasp.

"Brother, you know me too well!" He said. "And you were supposed to keep an eye on Rose the whole night as her escort, but you let Nate drag her around the room and run. Shame on you for that, brother. Heck, I am even ashamed to call you my brother!! What kind of prince are you?"

"Certainly not that PRINCE." Ren jokes. And just the way he said it doesn't need an explanation as a certain prince crossed our mind making us laugh.

"By the way," Dan said as he was the first one to recover from our fits of laughter. "Has anyone seen PRINCE Ace this morning?" He asked.

"Or Prince Fred?" Added Ren. "I haven't seen those two since the ball."

"Maybe they overslept?" I suggested.

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