Chapter 33 A Request

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I looked at Ren again. "So, escort. Be sure to fetch me at the ball, okay?" I smirked as it took the twins at least 3 seconds to realize that I just made another werewolf joke.

Once the twins realized what I had just said, they both frowned. Their faces are a mirror of each other's expressions. It's amazing how they can be alike and different at the same time.

Ren suddenly smirked at me and nudged his brother. As if reading his mind, Dan smirked too. Ren looked at me. "Okay, Rose. Keep up with your jokes. But don't go out on the balcony at night when the wolf howls or you'll fall asleep."

I gave Ren a confused look. "Is that a riddle or a joke?"

"Both actually." He said.

I just shrugged as I now turned the door knob and opened one of the doors of my door - if that makes any sense. I first took a tentative step and stopped as I took in the sight of my room. It was huge - with a capital H. It was twice the size of my old room in this palace. I have two large windows on the side and in between them is a huge glass double door that leads to the balcony. To my far left is a vanity table - bigger than my last - and two meters to its right is a white floral designed rectangular drawers with a bunch of flowers held in a vase on top of it. At the center of the room is a white furry carpet that contradicts the golden colored tiles of the room. Pretty much the common colors in the room is white and gold. To my left is a Queen sized bed with two side tables on each side. I even have a mini lounge!

"We'll have your lesson in here." Dan said.

"In my room?"

"Yeah. What of it?" Ren asked. "It's bigger than the room we were using."

Now that he mentions it...

"Can my lesson for today be, how to sleep properly without getting a stiff neck?" I asked hopefully.

"No." The twins said at the same time.


After the twins left my new room, I felt like taking a nap. They were better ladies than I am. They know how to act properly and, believe it or not, know how to use the right words that would please the nobles.

I buried my face on my new pillow. "If you please. It would be my honor. The pleasure is all mine." I mocked the lessons that I just learned from the twins.

"The way you talk is like a noble already, but your tone is lacking."

I tiredly turned towards Prince Nate, who was now standing in the middle of my room. "Should I even bother to ask how you got in here without knocking?"

"I came in just as the twins came out." He said.


Without looking at me, Nate headed for the door and opened it. A few maids came in to bring us our food. There was a small tea area in my room that was set aside by the twin for our lesson. Nate gestured for them to put it back in the middle. "I hope you don't mind if we start our lesson." Nate says as soon as the maids left.

"I'm hungry anyway." I said as I got up. I sat on the chair that Nate pulled back for me. Today we were having soup and some pasta. I waited for Nate to sit before grabbing the napkin on the table and placing it on my lap.

"Very good." Nate commented.

"Hey, Nate? I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I don't exactly mind getting ignored by the maids, but why doesn't the queen have an escort? Or, what would you call it? Ladies who serve her?"

Nate seemed confused. "What do you mean?"

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