Chapter 41 Garius and Wyren

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Chapter 41 

After the ball, I hadn't got any chance to eat as much as I wanted to as I took off to bed. My body was tired both from keeping the princess act and running around with Nate to avoid the fairy princess, but the ball was fun despite all that.

As I got out of bed, I decided to take a long and relaxing trip to the bathtub. Then I changed into some comfortable clothes and headed downstairs. Along the way, my stomach kept growling in anticipation of something to eat. I was hungry, and I'll have a huge fit if I won't eat anything soon.

That's why, as soon as I got a fragrance of something delicious and freshly prepared, I raced to the dining room, where I discovered a huge picnic basket perched on a table. I would have pondered why a picnic basket was on the table if I hadn't been so hungry, but I rejected the concept since I was.

With a grin, I started to head towards the basket. As soon as I got there, I reached out a hand to open it, but before I could do so, someone grabbed me by the shoulder and yelled, "Boo!!"

I screamed and jumped a few feet high. Then I whirled to see the bastard who dared to sneak up on me. Nate was laughing so hard that he had to clutch his stomach.

I glared at him. "What the heck, Nate? What's your problem?!"

Despite my outraged appearance, Nate doesn't seem to care. "Damn, Princess." He started to regain his composure. He chuckled. "Don't tell me that you're getting a little jumpy after the ball." Then he winked. "If you like, I'll watch over you from now on so you won't get paranoid."

Frowning, I stuck my hand into the basket and grabbed something to throw at him. Once I felt something, I pulled it out to see that it was garlic.

I broke them into bits with a war cry and threw them one by one at Nate yelling. "Die you, stupid vampire prince!" I screamed. "And burn!"

Nate watched as the pieces of garlic bounced harmlessly off of his chest before he looked at me and saw my determined look. He laughed heartily, and then he cupped his heart and let out a strangled noise. "Ahh! It burns! Oh, the agony!" He feinted hurt, but I was too pleased to see that look of despair on his face to notice that it was all an act.

Instead, I had an evil grin on my face. "That's for yesterday when you made me run, you jerk!"

"Oh, please stop. You're going to burn my face. Princess, please." He still feinted, hurt, and covered his face and tried to keep his smile out of my view. "What will I tell our future children when they ask about the burn marks?!"

"Vampires can't have kids, you dumbass!" I told him as I showered the remaining garlic at his head. Then I forgot that real vampires are still living beings. It's the undead that are...well, dead.

In that instant, Nate straightened up and gave me a dangerous smile. "You wanna bet?" His voice was dangerously challenging, and I had to take a step back when he started to come towards me. His eyes never left mine as he began to approach.

"Come any closer, and I will kick your family jewels, and then you will never have any kids," I warned him.

He just laughed. "Try it." He said.

"Step into the light, Nate!" Dan said in an angelic voice. Just then, I heard a clang and saw a frying pan landing on Nate's head. When Dan brought up the frying pan, it bent, and Dan then made a sound with his tongue. "Mana isn't going to be pleased about this." He commented.

Meanwhile, Nate hissed as he clutched his head. His eyes turned red for a moment, and I saw his teeth sharpened as he looked at Dan. "What's the big idea, wolf-boy? Do you want me to rip your heart out?" He asked. His voice became deep and dangerous.

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