Chapter 52 Welcome the Princess

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Chapter 52


Dan grinned widely as he watched his brother and Rose walking away. His senses tingled, and if he had his tail right now, it would be swaying back and forth in excitement.

By the looks of Ren, he seemed really serious about something. 'I need to know what it is!' Dan thought.

"Um...I have some errands to do, so I'll see you guys later." He told them and quickly made his way to the back of the castle where he suspected they would - he means- where he knew they would be.

He made his way to the opposite side so they wouldn't notice him following them. He made his pace and steps as light as possible, knowing that his brother could hear him if he was not careful.

"I-I 've noticed something about my brother lately." He paused when he heard them talking.

'Ren sounded really serious about this!' Dan thought in excitement.

Hurriedly, he made his way to the edge of the wall, and he peeked. He saw them standing there with Ren's back facing him.

"The way he acts when you are around me. He becomes so...quirky and cheerful. And he always has a goofy grin on his face when he sees us talking."

'Wait, is my brother insulting me!?' He thought.

"Doesn't he always do all that?" And then there goes Rose agreeing.

'If this is a talk about insulting me behind my back, I no longer want to hear any of this!' He turned his back at them furiously and started to leave. 'The backstabbers!! After all I -'

"No. It's different this time. It was as if he was passing on a message. I wasn't sure what it meant at first, but I do have an idea, though."

He stopped abruptly and went back to listening. His heart pounded in excitement at what he had just heard. 'Is Ren finally realizing it?! I mean, he is, right? Tell me that he realizes it please!!'

"Danielle, is that you?" He almost jumped in surprise when someone grasped his shoulder. He turned around to see his mother and father giving him curious looks. He frowned at them and placed a finger to his lips to be quiet before pointing towards where Ren and Rose were talking.

At first, they exchanged confused glances, so he motioned for them to take a peek. Together, they spied at the little love drama unfolding right in front of their eyes.

"And it all made sense today when he spoke privately with mother and father. It finally became clear to me."

Dan heard his mom gasp, so his father quickly placed a hand over her mouth to silence her.

'That is Ren, right?' His father asked me through their alpha link.

'Yeah.' He confirmed.

'Is he confessing!? He is right?!' He could hear the excitement from his mother.

'I think so. This is great! If the girl accepts, then the wedding shall be held two days from now!'

'Will you both shut up!? And dad, don't you think you are pushing it a little?'

"What the heck are you talking about?" Rose asked with a confused look on her face.

'Wow. The girl is dense. Just like our boy.' His mother said in amazement.

'Well, that makes them perfect!' Said his father. 'Now....about the names of our grandchildren.....'

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