Chapter 13 Double Trouble

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Back pain. I feel like an old lady

Today was my training with the twin Princes about how to walk and act properly. They were a little strict, which really surprised me. I thought that this training today would end up becoming a game, but no, they are serious. Dead serious. We are currently in a huge dressing. Dan and Ren were both standing beside me as they watched. One of them, Dan, walked to the front and examined me. I countered his look with my glare. They actually put on name tags for me to easily tell them apart.

"Don't slouch." Ren said as he straightened my back once again. I gritted my teeth as I felt a stung on my back for straining it too much. We've been doing this for hours and I can't even feel my back anymore. How can the royals do this all the time? That explains why the prince and princesses from story books would usually sneak out of the castle.

The twins seem like they were having fun every time I get frustrated and would often laugh at my bad posture. It makes me feel bad and angry at the same time. I was getting frustrated that I started calling them with the wrong names on purpose. "Oopsie!! Sorry Dan." I said. Ren's face twitched when I called him Dan.

"My name is Ren and not Dan! I thought you already knew who is who."

To be honest, I can slightly tell them apart. Both with the help of their name tags and the other for their mannerism.

I gasped. "Oh did I? I must have forgotten." I looked at Dan for help with my puppy dog eyes. He seemed to back away a little. Probably wanting to avoid being involved with the two of us. "Ren, Dan is being mean again." I complained to him.

Ren groaned in frustration. "This means war." he said while Dan gave me an evil smile and said. "Hmm....I think we should put a book on her head."

On reflexes I screamed. "Oh heck no!"

The twins are evil.

"Relax, this will help you to keep your posture on and to keep you busy." Dan reassured me and muttered the last part more to himself as he placed a book on top of my head. The book felt heavy on my head as the weight pressed. It was a thick leather bound book. It seemed old because the pages were already yellow.

"Now try walking while balancing that book on your head." Ren commanded. I did what they told me to and walked while balancing the book on my head. I was doing pretty good, but the only problem was that I looked like a drunken old geezer when I walked.

The boys face palm at me. Well good for them.

"Princess...not to be rude or anything but you lack grace." Dan commented "Chest out, stomach in, and butt out." I did what he told me too.

Just for the sake of annoying them, I over exaggerated by putting my chest out and my butt out too much, making me look like a duck. To add a little more twist, I made a duck face at them.

Dan's face palmed at me as Ren went to a drawer at the far side of the room. I looked at him curiously as he brought something long and sparkly. Ren dusted them off first and walked in front of me, raising the things that he took.

I gasped and stared at it in horror.

High heels. Emphasis on the high. There's a reason why it was one letter away from spelling Hell.

"I think this would help you to walk properly." Ren said and bent down in front of him as if he would put it on.

"You're kidding me!" I screamed and removed my foot from his reach. Sure, the shoes are shiny and pretty but it's too high! I think it's at least 4 inches tall. I can't even walk with a good posture and they expect me to wear them?

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