Chapter 2 The Not-so-Lucky-Charm

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"Honey, I'm home!!" I screamed and burst into the front door. It's kind of a habit that I usually do when my parents aren't around.

"Amy!!" A little voice squeaked and ran to me. I bent over and messed up her hair. She giggled.

"Hey, squirt. What have you been up to?" Stella, my baby sister, pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. She was a little like mom with a rich white blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes, which I am sure is yet to change when she grows old. I, on the other hand, have ash-blonde hair that I got from both my mom and my dad and my silver-blue eyes. We don't exactly look alike.

Among the both of us, you could say that she's more girly than I am. Just looking at her skirts and pretty blouses versus my baggy shirts, shorts, and jeans. Mom probably regretted having me wear jeans since I was a kid, because now I wouldn't even wear skirts or dresses. Now, I think she's trying to make up for it through my sister. Her little Barbie girl, Stella Antoinette Stan.

But just between you and me, I'm having some hidden conversation with Stella regarding the comfort of wearing jeans. I think I'm winning seeing as Stella is now wearing jean shorts underneath her skirts. Which is probably uncomfortable.

"Stop calling me squirt!" She glared at me. "When I grow older, I'll be taller than you."

I chuckled. "Yeah, sure you are. But for the meantime, you're a squirt to me." I walked past her to hop down on the couch. A moment later and Stella sat and joined me. "What are you going to watch?" She looked up at me with her pretty blue eyes.

"I don't know. I think I'm going to watch a zombie movie. Care to join me?" I gave her a teasing grin knowing fully well how she hates scary movies and claiming to have nightmares about it. Sure enough, she gave me a glare and threatened me with her eyes.

"I'm going to tell mommy if you do."

I couldn't help but to laugh at how predictable she could be. Of course, what do you expect of a 7 years old?

"Fine. But can we at least watch zombies that aren't that scary?" I said. Stella pouted a little, but then nodded.

"Okay, but can I pick a movie after we watch it? Please?" She begged and made her eyes grow bigger. Her own version of the puppy dog eyes that is hard to resist.

I groaned. Not believing that she's actually using it on me when I taught her how to do it. "Fine." I grumbled and she let out a whoop in return. "But only if you'll stay quiet and stop asking me questions during the movie, deal?"

"Deal." She grinned.


Sure enough, after we watched a zombie movie, I handed her the remote as she chose one of her favorite Disney movies. Starting from Peter Pan, to Beauty and the Beast, and finally, The Little Mermaid. I should probably be bothered since she had picked three consecutive movies while I only have one, but for some strange reason, I seem to be fine with it. It was actually nice that I was able to reminisce about my childhood movies. I kind of forgot how great Disney movies are.

But scifi movies are still the best!

After watching her Disney movies, we had a little break and ate dinner - which we just ordered since I was too lazy to cook for us. We then resumed to watch. This time, I had picked a scifi movie.

"Are vampires and werewolves real?" Stella asked as soon as I turned the tv off. It was already 10 PM. Mother would freak if she learned that Stella was way past her bedtime.

"Nope." I answered. "They're just a work of fiction."

"But if they are a work of fiction, then the writer must have picked it up somewhere, right? All stories come from a certain origin. The writer must have either seen a real vampire or werewolf or must have read something about them."

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