Chapter 36 Socializing

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Chapter 36

The crowd suddenly applauded us as we reached the bottom and the queen's voice suddenly boomed from the top. "Everyone, this is Princess Rosalie Amber Stan. A new member of the royal family. You will all treat her with the same respect as you have of us." Said the queen. Soon, the crowd suddenly acted. The royals did a curtsy while the Dukes and Duchess bowed.

"Thanks," I whispered to him. He looked down at me and beamed. "We actually made it."

"Enjoy the night." With that, everyone parted. Some gave me smiles before heading off to friends or sitting on tables.

The other princes came down and joined us, looking at the crowd. Dan let out a whistle. "Damn, I didn't expect this many visitors."

"I agree." Said Fred. "That is why I'm asking you not to whistle since it's inappropriate, and anyone might hear you."

"Sorry." Apologized Dan. He then gave me a short glance before his gaze shifted to a few ladies standing at one corner, laughing and looking like they were having fun. Well, I actually recognize the group of girls.

I noticed Dan returning his gaze at me, and he grinned. "What do you say when we start making friends?" He gestured his head to where the girls were. The other princes followed his head and spotted what Dan was referring to. Nate smiled widely. "I don't think that's a bad idea at all. Let's go!"

Ren looked at Nate suspiciously. "Why do I have the feeling that you wanted us to go there not for the sake of Rose having friends but for something else?"

"You people are so judgmental. Why can't anyone be like Prince Fred?" Nate pointed at Fred.

"Um....thank you for the compliment, but I was thinking the same thing as Ren. Sorry." Said Fred and gave a small apologetic smile to Nate. Nate seemed a bit offended by the accusations that he let out a grunt. "Fine!" He looked at me. "It's your call, Princess. Would you like to go there?" He tilted his head towards the girls. I looked past him to where the girls were. They seemed so happy, and they all looked so beautiful. They look more like princesses than me.

But hey, if I want to live here until I can go back home, I might as well learn how to make some friends here. And the first step in doing so is by approaching them.

I looked up at Nate and nodded. "Sure. Let's go." I couldn't help but notice the massive grin on Nate's face as he took the lead in heading towards the ladies' direction. We followed him.

As we neared them, the girls stopped chattering when they noticed us. They slowly faced our direction and waited for us. When we stopped right in front of them, they lowered their heads and greeted us and caught me entirely off guard.

Oh crap. I hope they won't go all formal talking with me. I'm still crappy in that part.

"Good evening, ladies. We came by to say thank you for coming to this party." Said Fred and nodded at the girls. "If you don't mind, may we get your names?" At first, the group of girls were a bit stunned but then proceeded to introduce themselves.

One of the groups of girls was Lady Solace - an elf. You know, like a certain PRINCE we know. She was stunning and wearing a pretty piercing blue dress the same color as her eyes. Her long dark brown hair was simply gorgeous even though she only wore it in a side braid. She was tall and had a slim figure, and unlike Ace, she was always smiling. Well glad to know that not all elves are grumpy. Another female elf in the group is Lady Rebecca. Unlike Lady Solace, her hair was in a lighter shade of brown that I have always wanted and had blonde highlights. She even looked more stunning with her simple lavender-colored dress that seemed to fade to change into different colors when hit with light. With her dark blue eyes, it was almost impossible to miss her.

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