Chapter 34 Calm Before the Storm

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Chapter 34

The past week has been a wreck. My training had been intense since we had to use our remaining time for the princes to prepare me for the ball. I'm not even kidding when I say that the princes may have pushed me to my limit.

Ace - I mean - PRINCE Ace had made me read a book about the culture of each and every supernatural type there is. And let me tell you that you can't count them with your fingers. It wasn't tough because the topic was kind of interesting.

Ren and Dan? I can't say they were that patient, though, because one time I kept on slouching my back and walked like a freaking drunken person, and they kind of...freaked out? The one where they cover their eyes and let out a scream and drop to the floor for an hour. I'm not even kidding. And they would only get up when I make things right. But most of the time, we're just relaxed like not-doing-anything sort of relaxing. They said that I could just wing it when the time comes.

Nate is one of the patient princes I know, but that doesn't mean that he is my favorite teacher. Every day we would always have our lunch together, and each day, the food being delivered gets fewer and fewer. Nate says it is mandatory, so I wouldn't gain much weight and have my dress refitted. But despite that, I am proud to say that I don't make meat fly anymore.

Finally, there's Fred. Every day for the last week, he has been my last instructor. He's always very patient and thoughtful. He showed me how to do the most common ballroom dances and showed me how to avoid stepping on my partner's foot while dancing by pretending to have eye contact with them. Most of the time, our training would only last 30 minutes or an hour since he would always take me to the gardens so that I could rest while doing my activities. And I'm not lying when I say my heart was always pounding in my chest. He is, without a doubt, the best.

As I woke up from my bed and on the day of the ball, I noticed that I wasn't alone in my room. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes so I could see the intruders clearly. Once I did, I took a good look at my intruders and frowned. In front of me are the Queen and three new maids.

"What's going on?" I asked in confusion and suddenly felt the need to pull the covers closer. The Queen beamed.

"My dear, let me introduce you to Yen, Keela, and Cherry." She gestured towards the three maids behind her. Yen is a petite girl with red hair. She looks about 25. Keela looks about 30 yrs old. She has medium-length black hair. As for Cherry, she's probably the most senior with her brown hair streaked with gray and some aging wrinkles on her face.

I nodded at them in greeting. "Hey."

They smiled and did a slight bow in respect. From what I learned from Ace, they do that as a sign of respect for a royal. The Queen smiled at me. "Good. Now that the introduction is over. I guess it's time for us to get back to work."


"My dear, they will be in charge of preparing you for the ball. Now get up so they can get started." She came to the side of my bed and tried to pull the covers out.

"Wait!" I held a hand out while the other tried to hold the blanket over me. I glance at the window. The sun is still bright. "Isn't the ball tonight?"

"Yes, it is. That is why we have a lot of work to do." The Queen said. "We have to exfoliate your skin, treat your hair to a beautiful glow, give you a milk bath, and many more!"

I gave the Queen a horrified look. "What is this? A spa? I don't need to get pampered! It's just a ball. Let's throw a dress at me, and I'll be ready to go."

The Queen tsked. "In your world, that might be the case, but in this world, you have to follow my rules." She turned her head back towards the maids and gestured towards me. "Go on, ladies. Do your job." She commanded. Before I even had the time to react, the maids advanced towards me, ripped my blanket, and hauled me up from my bed.

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