Chapter 54 Wrong Twin

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Chapter 54 

Honestly, I'm going to kill the twins one day. It was a thought that occurred to me as we walked towards the dining table with the twins on either side of me. There was a very red handprint on the side of their faces from where I slapped them for their antics earlier.

Ren and Dan kept apologizing to me as we walked, but I just ignored them.

"We're sorry, Rose. We promise we won't do it again." Ren said.

"Yeah. And if you like, I'll slap my brother for you." Dan offered, which earned a glare from his brother.

Despite their apologies, I ignored them even until we reached the dining hall. Once we got there, Nate and Ace were already there. I greeted the king and queen and apologized for my tardiness.

The king looked up, took a glance at his son before he threw his head back, and laughed. "I suppose my sons did something to deserve it?"

"Yes, your highness," I said without blinking.

"Well, I would like to have a word with Daniel, but I can't tell which of them is which." The king said, making the twins beam brightly as they fist bump each other.

"Well, father, you have to guess that for yourself." They boastfully said while clinging on to each other.

"The one with the handprint on the right is Ren. On the left is Dan." I said before I settled down on the seat next to Ace.

Believe me, I don't want to sit there, but the only other vacant seat is between the king and Nate. And the king clearly said that he wanted to have a word with Dan. There was one other chair but that is beside the queen, and I would definitely not take that seat either because of how the queen was eyering me for a while now.

As I settled myself beside Ace, he took a glance at me. I offered a small smile in which he did not return while he took a sip from his soup. I had to fight the urge not to grab his soup and throw it at him.

Well, it's just my luck. I was sitting between Ace, who seemed like he wanted to kill me, and Ren, who I am too pissed to look at.

The dinner was fun and lively. The king and queen were really chatty with us. I was even surprised that Ace participated in the conversation, especially when they talked about politics. It even got livelier as soon as I flicked the green peas from my plate out of boredom. It hit Dan in the forehead, who abruptly looked up to look for the culprit.

On instinct, I pointed at Ace, who glared at me, making me change course to Ren instead. Poor Ren looked utterly confused and wasn't prepared when Dan made his attack by throwing a green pea straight to Ren's mouth. His mouth was currently open as he was about to take a bite, which made him choke on the green pea. I got up and punched him below the rib as I once heard that it was the most effective way to handle these kinds of situations. Luckily, it was effective because Ren was able to spit the green pea out on his plate. When Ren looked up, he grinned at his brother in a challenge and started throwing his veggies at Dan, which soon resulted in a full-on food fight with - believe it or not - the king and queen joining in.

Of course, Nate and I followed because having a potato thrown at your face? Please. They are seriously asking for it. I think that the only person who didn't join was Ace, and by some miracle, he didn't get hit.

After dinner, everyone retreated to their own room except Ren, Dan, and I. The twins invited me to explore the castle, saying they wanted to give me a tour. They started at the second floor, where they showed me the library, and its numerous books that held the history of their race. Next, we went to the third floor, where they showed me the paintings of their ancestors and different artifacts that have stood there for hundreds of years.

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