Chapter 71 Nora

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Chapter 71

Ren and I stopped and turned towards the greenhouse entrance to see Nora. Today, she was wearing a purple dress, and her hair was in a side fishtail braid. She was not looking at us but at the pond's direction where Ace lays. Immediately, Ren and I stepped away from each other as we blocked Ace's view from Nora.

"Nora? What are you doing here?" I asked nervously. I looked at Ren to see him doing his best to smile and act normal in front of her.

"My bwother is sick, isn't he?" She asked. "I heard my bwothers talking to father yesterday. I thought it wasn't a big deal, so I waited until today to check." She said and moved her head to get a look at her brother.

"" I looked at Ren for help, but he only looked away, seeming uncomfortable with the situation.

Useless mutt.

"Is Aish going to die?" Nora asked as tears started to build up in her eyes.

Oh crap. Just imagine if Ace wakes up right now and sees his little sister crying in our presence; we're toast!

Ren and I exchanged glances, and I realized he was probably thinking the same thing I was. Before the unthinkable happens, we had better think of something to cheer her up right now.

"Nora, Ace is going to be fine. You don't need to worry. He's just sleeping." I said.

"Will he wake up?"

"Of course, he will." We just don't know when.


"Um....I'm not sure-"

"Then you're saying that there is a chance that he won't?" Nora started to sniff and was on the verge of crying when Ren suddenly knelt in front of her.

"Hi, Nora. I'm Prince Ren. A friend of your brother." He paused, "Well, it's a big maybe, but listen, do you want your brother to wake up?"

"Yes." Nora nodded.

"Do you believe that he will?"

Another nod from Nora.

"Good." Ren smiled. "Because, you know, if you believe that something is going to happen and if you cling on to that, then it would surely happen. That's what I learned from a wise person that I know." At that, Ren glanced at me.

"If I believe that Aish will wake up, then he will?"

I knelt beside Ren so I could talk to Nora. "Of course. Especially if it's you because Ais- I mean – Ace loves you very much." Great. I think that I am going to start adapting her baby talk.

"Okay." She said. She stopped crying, but you could still see the upset look she has on her face. Ren and I exchanged glances again as we thought of a way to make that sadness go.

Finally, Ren looked back at Nora. "Hey, Nora. Would you like to play with us?" Ren offered.

"What game?"

"The Princess, the knight, and the monster," Ren said and looked at me with an evil glint in his eyes. Somehow I didn't like that look, so I backed away slowly. I didn't get too far when Ren hit me at the back of the head, took Nora, and ran away from me. Nora let out a squeal when Ren carried her. "Rose is the monster. Runaway!"

"Ren, that hurts. Get back here!" I growled and ran after them.

We ran in circles, and I was getting frustrated that I couldn't get in touch with him or Nora. Ren was just too fast and slippery. I finally cornered them and stalked them slowly when Ren jumped from one side to the other, tricking me into going one way when he was really going to the other. I only managed to catch them when they thought that I tripped and fell.

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