Chapter 19 Dance with A Charm

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Today was my dancing lesson with Prince Fred and I wanted to wear something light.

Hmm...which dress would suit me better?

Lime or turquoise blue? I don't have time for this. I have to get dressed and to fix my hair like what a normal human being. I cannot embarrass myself again. I already did with the last four of them.'

I reached out and snatched the blue one and the maids helped me get dressed. I checked myself in the mirror and found it satisfying. The dress compliments my blue eyes perfectly.

Someone knocked at my door and I hurriedly went towards it. Nope. I am not excited. I opened the door and revealed Fred in all his majestic glory in his suit.

Now this is a sight to behold. I shook the thoughts out of my head as soon as they appeared.

He smiled, adding a sparkle to his already hot image. "Morning."

Why am I suddenly seeing flowers?

"Morning." I nodded back at him. Why do these guys look like models anyway? It's so unrealistic!

"You look nice today, Princess." He complimented making my cheeks flush in embarrassment. Why was it so easy to hate Ace, to feel annoyed with the twins and Nate? But so hard to do it on Fred? Maybe fact that he was the only one with a gentle ambiance with him.

"Thanks" was all I managed to say.

You have to admit that he really looked good. "Uhm...are you okay? he asked. giving me a weird look.

"Why do you ask?"

"Your face. It looks like you have a murderous intent." Do I really look like that? I suddenly became conscious and shook my head as I grabbed Fred's arm and started to pull him. "Come on. Let's go."

I heard him chuckle as I dragged him away. Damn. How embarrassing. Why do I have to be so weird?

Fred started to offer his arm to me. I linked mine with his and he started to lead the way.

I hope I can manage this lesson without getting too flustered. Or cause any more trouble.


Fred led me to a large ballroom like the one that you see in fairy tales. Multiple chandeliers hang from the roof that lighten the room giving it a golden glow. I feel like I'm inside the castle in Beauty and The Beast. But this time, I am the beast and this prince is the beauty. My face is probably as pretty as his butt.

Near one of the floor to ceiling windows stood five men holding some instruments. They all nodded at me and Fred as we entered the room. Is there some kind of concert? I looked at Fred and saw him looking at me too.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You just look like a lost pup." Then he started to chuckle.

Is he laughing at me? I frowned.

"So what now?" I asked him as soon as he was done laughing at me. He looked 100 times better when he laughed, but of course, I know my limits. This is all a part of the Queen's plan.

Well....a little late for that I guess.

"Sorry." He said and composed himself and grinned at the men holding the instruments. He nodded at them and soon, they started to play. The music was slow and melodic. The kind that soothes your mind and helps you relax. Imagine that you are mad with someone and then you heard a song and it easily takes your bad mood away


From the corner of my eyes, I saw Fred approaching me and offered a hand to me. I only looked at his palm. I know that he wanted me to take it, but I decided to play dumb and raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "What am I supposed to do with it?" I asked and still didn't take his hand.

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