Chapter 11 A lesson with Ace -

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"Will you stop doing that?" Ace asked me, pretty annoyed if I do say so myself.

We're currently at the library for my first lesson: History and the important people of each kingdom.

He kept on talking and explaining things. Continuously, if I might add. I was sleepy and uninterested. Who can blame me? And why do I even have to learn their history? Whenever I tried to sleep this off, he would snap his fingers in front of my face. So I ended up doodling on a piece of paper to entertain me. Oftentimes I would blankly stare at the ceiling and unconsciously make faces that cause him to get distracted. Steams would have appeared from his ears because of how pissed off he was. I think he prevented himself from punching me so much that his knuckles had gone white.

I am trying to listen to what he's saying but all the terms that he is using makes it hard for me to understand!

"It's obvious that you hate me and it is no secret that I also dislike you, so why can't we just agree to drop this lesson?" I said as I batted my eyes at him innocently.

"Not gonna happen." He said as he opened a book. "This is a part of your lesson. So you'll have to learn it."

"Nothing you even say makes any sense to me." I slumped on my seat. He didn't bother to look up this time as he read something from a leather bound book. His jaw clenched in annoyance, his black hair falling as he bent his head slightly forward to read in silence.

"Then I guess you need to try harder."

I pouted. "Easy for you to say. You were born here. I was born waaaay over there." Feeling disappointed, I started whistling.

"You are an annoying Princess!"

"Why thank you."

His head perked up and gave me an annoyed look. "That wasn't a compliment."

"For me it is." I said and began to get comfy on the couch. I haven't gotten much sleep since yesterday when my eyes started to close on their own. Not even a minute later and he was shaking me awake.

"No sleeping during class hours." He said and continued to shake me. I tried to ignore him but I was getting dizzy from his shaking. My head bobbing back and forth.

Can't this guy leave me alone?

I reached out and slapped his hand away. "Go away." I said as I buried my face on the couch. A minute later and I heard a sound. I took a peak and I saw Ace holding a bag of cookies. He smirked when he saw that I was staring at it. "Now you're awake?"

"No I'm not." I blushed and looked away.

He started shaking the bag of cookies drawing my eyes at them again. "These are cookies baked by a well known baker in Thalia. His bakery is so famous that countless dukes and even royals come to Thalia just to buy these."

I stared at him. "You're bluffing, aren't you? The 'baker' is actually the chef of this castle."

There was a long pause.

Ace suddenly cleared his throat. "Of course not. Why would you even think of that?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you taking me for a fool? You said that he is famous. Naturally he would be hired by a nearby royal, which would be the king and queen."

He stared at me. "What?" I asked.

"You actually got the name of this kingdom right. That's a first."

"I did!?" I gasped. "Wow I am actually smarter than I thought. I could become a scholar."

"Now what is the name of the kingdom that was destroyed in the year 455? Specifically 10 years ago."

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