Chapter 77 Princess Of Gija

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Chapter 77

Ace led us out of the woods and forced us to take a shortcut through a thick and bushy path. And, with a flick of his hand, our path cleared. When we arrived in Thalia, it was nearly dusk. The guards bolted and announced our return to the others the moment they saw us. As we approached the castle doors opened, we saw the king and queen emerge and pause at the doorway. From the looks on their faces, they were clearly surprised and relieved to see us.

Dan helped me off of Cloud while I made sure to carry Custard, the little wolf, with me. Stable boys came and took our horses while the rest of us made our way to the castle door where the king and queen waited.

"Your highness, we-" Ace started to say, but the queen immediately cut him off when she came right at his face looking really really mad.

"Who permitted you to leave the palace grounds? Much less go on an adventure without my consent! What's worse is you brought Rose with you. You know that she is not of this world," The queen carried on scolding Ace while the rest of us stayed silently hidden behind Ace.

"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel sorry for PRINCE Ace," Nate muttered.

"Hey, Rose. If I were you, I would hide that wolf before the queen sees it." Dan whispered to me.

"Yeah. Best throw it away to the bushes over there." Ren pointed to my right.

"Oh, shut it, you two!" I whispered back and adjusted my hold on Custard. "But where am I to hide him? Under my skirt? That would be too obvious. Ren, can you hide Custard in your coat?"

"Absolutely!" Said Dan.

"Not!" Ren added with a glare at Dan. "No way am I hiding that spirit in my coat."

"Oh, don't be such a baby!" I said and shoved Custard towards Ren.

"Rose, what am I-"

"What's going on back there?" All of us then displayed perfect behavior when the queen glanced our way. Even Ren, who wanted nothing to do with the wolf, kept him hidden in his coat in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, Custard didn't like the new arrangement and kept moving, making it hard for Ren to hide him.

Dan snorted. "Brother, I think the wolf is trying to say that you stink."

"Shut it, Dan," Ren grunted.

"Ren, what do you have there in your coat?" The queen suddenly went to stand in front of Ren. The older werewolf twin immediately stiffened.

"Nothing, your highness." Said Ren and tried to hold Custard in his coat.

The queen seemed unconvinced and continued to stare at him for a while, making Ren take a glance at us for help. As usual, not wanting to be caught up in the queen's wrath, we all looked away and dispersed.

"Prince Ren." The queen says a warning.

Ren gave out a nervous laugh. "Nothing unusual here, your majesty." Custard's nose poked out of Ren's coat, so Ren slapped it back inside while Custard let out a yelp. "See?" He laughed nervously.

"Prince Renevier Rutledge!"

Dan flinched beside me, "Oh! Full name and title. That can't be good."

"But, your majesty, I can-OW!" Ren drew his hand back from the coat only to see that Custard was biting him. "Get off!" Ren yelled and started shaking his hand until Custard released him and flew towards the queen. The queen caught him.

"A spirit!" The queen yelled and dropped the little wolf. Custard managed to land on his feet as he ran back towards me. "Why is a spirit in my castle!?"

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