Chapter 46 Table Etiquette of the Denver Family

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Chapter 46

I moved to Dan to whisper something to him. "What is this all about?" I asked. Dan seemed nervous when he looked at me. I thought for sure that he would shake his head and move away while not answering my question, but he didn't, which I was thankful for.

Dan leaned down and whispered lowly in my ears. "Nate and his parents...they don't get along well."

Don't get along? I guess that's what all the awkward tension is about. But is it really that bad?

I wanted to ask Dan more but servants came and ushered us away to our rooms. I looked hesitant at Dan, but he nodded at me to go. "What about you guys?" I asked.

"We'll stay here and talk with them for a while." Ren gestured at Adan and Nate. They were probably gonna talk about something and they don't want me around to hear it. This must be their way of telling me without hurting my feelings - either way, I don't really mind.

With a nod, I followed the maid. She led me to the second floor where the guest room is. She ushered me inside one of the vacant rooms. As soon as I entered, I immediately doubted that it was a guest room. Inside the room, you can see a nice red carpet, little expensive-looking chandeliers, a queen-sized bed made of mahogany, a side table, a coffee table, and a dresser.

Yeah, the guest room my butt. I think this is a princess's room! Boy, they sure don't save their money beautifying their palace.

As I entered the room, several maids followed me. I nodded my thanks and told them to leave because I wanted to take a shower. One of the maids quickly handed me a clean dress to change. I thanked her as she placed it on the bed.

"Princess, I brought you some food." One of the maids said. In response, my stomach grumbled, remembering that we haven't eaten at all since morning.

I glance at them. "Have the others eaten?"

"They have." She confirmed.

I nodded and started looking at my food. Well, at least I won't feel guilty about eating without them. I started nibbling on my food, but once I started to eat, I hadn't realized that I was already wolfing it all down. I guess I was pretty hungry after all.

When I was done eating, one of the maids started to thug my dress off.

"What the?!" I gasped and moved away from her.

"Princess, allow us to assist you in cleaning up." Said one of the maids. Hey, isn't there just one maid a while back?

With my hands wrapped around me, I told her. "U-Um....I can handle myself just fine. Thank you. You can leave." I still feel uncomfortable with the maids in Thalia. I don't need the maids here to undress me too. They exchanged glances at each other as if hesitating before looking at me; still not leaving. I sighed.

"Seriously, I can handle myself. I'm an independent woman - err - princess. You can leave now. Thank you very much."

My words must have finally convinced them because they started to leave after that. Well finally!! Now that I was alone, I started to head towards the bathroom. Once I got there and started to look at the white and gold tiles, a large bathtub filled with rose petals, large mirrors, and the chandelier, I started to wonder again if this is, in fact, a guest room. Like seriously!?

Once I finished cleaning up, which took longer than I planned because the scent in the tub made me relax a bit, I started to change into the 'simple' white dress. Well, the upper part was plain with the strapless sweetheart tube. The bottom part was what made it..well, 'not simple' as I call it.

Starting from the hem of the dress, shiny diamond-like beads decorated the bottom part and went up until it almost faded at the top. Kind of like an ombre design. But despite the design of the dress, it was actually comfortable to wear. I started to lay down on the bed. Enjoying the feeling as I sunk into the mattress. I hugged one of the pillows and started to doze off. Getting back at the lack of sleep last night from sleeping out on the ground.

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