Chapter 29 Reality Pill

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I don't remember what happened the last time I was conscious but my mouth tasted like I ate some fur.

What happened?

I woke up and the first thing that I noticed was the pain on my cheek and neck. Then I noticed that I was lying on a bed. I slowly rubbed the sleep from my eyes and was blinded by the rays of the sun coming from the window.

As soon as I was fully awake and conscious, I took a good look around me. It only confirmed my suspicion that I am once again back in the castle.


I heard a light breath to my right and I turned my head to the side and saw someone sitting on a chair just beside my bed. His red hair is framing his eyes like flames when the sunlight hits it. He was holding a paper and was drawing something on it with charcoal.

What is he doing?

I stared at him for a few seconds before I focused on the paper that he was holding, trying to see what he was doing. Nate must have noticed me moving because he stopped and switched his attention back to me afterwards.

When he caught my eye, he smiled - but it was more like a beam. His dimples showed as he did so. "Hey you. You're awake." He said and turned his chair so that it was facing my bed. He set down his paper and charcoal on the side table and wiped his hand with his handkerchief.

"Hey." I said groggily and sat up on my bed. Nate got up and went to the table. He took the pitcher and poured some water into a glass. He came back and offered me the glass which I thankfully took and drank. Once I was done, he took the glass and placed it on the side table along with his paper.

"Thanks." I forgot how thirsty I was.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me once he was seated back on his chair.

"Aside from feeling like a princess because a prince just served me water? I'm feeling great." I joked, earning a light laugh from Nate.

"I would gladly serve you water any time." He winked. I made a disgusted look.


Nate threw his head back and laughed. "Ouch." he said. Then he noticed me making a face. "What? What's wrong?" He asked me seriously.

"I feel like I was hit by a truck. My whole body hurts."

"What about your cheek?"

"My cheek? What about it?" As soon as I asked the question, Nate poked my cheek and I felt a twinge of pain. "Ow!!" I quickly slapped Nate's hand away and glared at him. "What's the big idea?"

Nate's expression turned dark. "Rose, what do you remember in the woods before Ren and Dan found you?"


"How did you get that bruise on your cheek?" He continued to push. "Ren and Dan wouldn't tell us a thing."

"Ren and Dan?" I held out a hand to stop him once I noticed that he was about to ask me another question. "All I remember is finding a lake. After that, there were these two huge muscled men who were acting strange once they heard I was a royal and were forced to escort me. When I turned them down, they got really pissed and slapped me. I think that's where I got the bruise." I touched my cheek while still trying to recall the events that had happened. "I tried to fight them but only managed to piss them off. After that...well.....things got crazy because they suddenly turned into.....into.......OH MY GOSH!!!" I suddenly turned to Nate who was taken by surprise when I suddenly grabbed his shoulder and shook him back and forth.

"They turned into...into...cats! I mean the large predator ones: A Lion and a cougar. And then...and then...they started to attack me but a wolf came out of nowhere and attacked the lion...after that another wolf came."

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