Chapter 64 Little Wolf

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Chapter 64


I sat, terrified, staring at the thing staring back at me. The little brown spirit wolf that has been following me since I passed through the Gija ruins is now staring at me.

"Dude, I don't know why you are following me, but this is starting to get creepy." Not to mention that it's like I am in a real-life horror movie!

When I spoke to it, the little brown wolf shifted on its feet and wagged its tail excitedly before barking. I let out a little cry of fear when it got closer. And I didn't even do anything...yet.

"Please go away." I cried and moved farther back into the shell bed. "I don't want to play with you!" I said.

It began to whimper and fold its ears sadly, as if it understood what I was saying. When I looked at it, I started to feel bad. It's cute, but creepy at the same time. I'm not sure how it keeps following me no matter where I go, even when I'm inside a cave with no way out except to swim to the bottom.

Wait a minute. Wait a did that wolf get in here?

I returned my attention to the little wolf and gave it a curious look. "Hey," I said. "How did you get here?" I inquired. I'm beginning to think I'm insane for even approaching it. But, hey, I think it understands me because it perked up and smiled when I addressed it. It started barking at me again, turned around, and kept jumping before looking back again.

"Would you like me to....follow you?" I feel strange for even approaching it. The wolf yips and starts to creep deeper into the cave. It came to a stop in the middle of the road and turned to see if I was following.

"Okay." Gently, I got up from the shell bed, lifted my dress's skirt, which was heavy from all the water is absorbed, and slowly made my way to the shore. I was barefooted and the cave's ground was partially submerged in water, making it a bit slippery. By the time that I got to the dry part of the ground, I looked up at the wolf to see it regarding me curiously.

" what?" I asked.

The wolf looked back into the deeper part of the cave before looking back at me and barking once. "That way?" I guessed and pointed towards the direction ahead of it. The wolf chirped happily and walked quickly deeper into the cave. I scratched my head in thought as I debated on whether I should go in and follow the wolf or stay here and wait for real help.

Then again, I really am not the type of girl who likes to be rescued all the time. I'm a girl with a big pride in my head, and there is no way in heck that I allow myself to be rescued again if I have any say in it. Besides, I have this gut feeling that whatever the wolf was doing was all to help me. I don't even think it has the intention of harming me in the first place. It just creeps me out with all its stalking. I don't know why but somehow, I feel safe with it.

Having those thoughts in mind, I started to follow the wolf. The rocks on the ground hurt my bare feet. Some of them were jagged and pointed out that I had to walk slower.

The wolf was generous enough to wait for me every step as I tried to follow it as carefully and as quickly as I could - though I would say that those two words don't go together. We went deeper and deeper, and I noticed that the cave walls seemed to soften the farther we went until it looked like the corners were made of soil.

The wolf eventually came to a halt in front of a small rabbit hole on one side of the cave wall. It barked again and looked at me before returning to the hole.

"Is that how you got here?" I asked and raised an eyebrow as I studied the rabbit hole that was too little to fit me but just enough to squeeze the little wolf in.

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