Chapter 39 How to Tango with a PRINCE

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Chapter 39

"It's PRINCE." He corrected her in annoyance.

I was only looking at him expectantly and waited for him to offer me his hand. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and looked at the man next to him, and called his attention. When he looked at us, he offered my hand to the stranger. "Wanna switch partners? I'll pay you," he said, even though he knew that he's a duke and he'll have tons of gold in his pocket.

I jerked my hand back and frowned at him. "Oh no, you won't! Fred already ditched our dance. I will not be exchanged for another dance partner twice in one night!" I took his hand and forced us both to dance.

Well, Fred didn't really ditch me, to be honest.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Does it look like I care?" He told me.

I countered him with a frown. "And does it look like I'm giving you any other choice?"

"You're ugly. That's why Prince Fred switched you." He said bluntly.

"And you're annoying. Shut up."

"I'm not the one who's talking."

"You just talked."

"That's because you were talking. Now shut up."

"No, you shut up."

"I'm a Prince. You can't order me around."

"Just because you're a prince doesn't mean you can order people around."

"Yes, I can."

"Prove it."

Ace suddenly turned his head towards the nearby boy serving some champagne and called his attention. He looked at Ace with a confused face. "Jump off a cliff and die." The poor boy looked at him in horror, and his hands started to tremble at his command.

"Ace!!" I screamed at him, horrified. I turned towards the servant boy and smiled at him sweetly. "Don't mind him. He's just playing around. You can go now." I said, and the servant boy looked happy to leave.

"It's PRINCE Ace. How many times do I have to repeat that to you, you retarded fool!" He said. He was not hiding the annoyance in his tone.

I gave him an incredulous look. "Are you freaking serious? You'll seriously order him to jump off a cliff?" I said angrily.

At that moment, he looked like he wanted to hit me at the back of my head for being stupid. "Weren't you the one who asked me to prove to you that I can order people around?"

"That wasn't what I meant!!"

He frowned at me. "If you don't want people to misunderstand your words, then say it clearly. You're not a kid anymore. Tch!"

"Did you just 'tch' me?"

He ignored me and continued to dance. "I don't want to waste my breath talking to ugly people, which is everybody in the room." He said.

My foot 'accidentally' stepped on trash. Ace turned and gave me a deadly glare. I, on the other hand, quickly looked away and feigned innocence.

"You did that on purpose!"

"Nope." I lied.

With a frown, he stepped on the hem of my dress and made me trip a bit. My head quickly snapped into attention as I looked at him. My eyebrows furrowed, and I stepped on my foot again. And like earlier, he returned the favor.

"What's your problem?"

"What's your problem?" He told me.

"Stop stepping on my dress, you immature big-eared elf!!" I said. My voice squeaked a little as I tried to dodge his foot but failed. He snorted. "And you call me the immature one." I narrowed my gaze at him and made a move as if to step on his foot again. Then he stepped back to avoid my foot.

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