Chapter 23 Rose Riding Hood

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My eyes darted towards the glass ball at the other table. The little mist of magic winking at me from time to time. I blinked at it once. Twice.

Hold it. I think I remember reading something about that crystal orb.

I quickly flipped through the pages until I landed on the page that I wanted. I started to read it silently. I was pretty sure that I had read something about the orb. But I haven't had the time to process it when I was rudely interrupted by the PRINCE.

My eyes went wide as the information made sense to me. I was right. I did read something about two orbs. One was light and one was dark. The light one is kept hidden in the Kingdom of Thalia. It's twin, the dark one, is kept at another greater kingdom called Tereu.

From what I have read, these two orbs both possess great magic. And I have a hunch that if it is true then the other orb can bring me back. Assuming that it's power was not consumed, unlike the light one over here.

But before I could do that, I have to see if this really is true. I have to ask someone about this.

And I know just the right person to ask.


I silently walked inside of the library. The huge door creaked as I opened it. "Hello?" I called out. My voice echoed in the large room.

"Why are you here?" My eyes darted to a part of the room which was lit by lamps. There was a small coffee table and some couch around it. Sitting with his back to me, probably reading a book, is his royal highness, PRINCE Ace.

I sat on one of the couches in front of him and watched him read. Actually, I was waiting for him to put the book down so I could talk to him. I placed the book that I was holding on my lap and waited patiently.

Fortunately, I didn't get to wait that long because after a few seconds, he sets the book down on the table without a sound.

"I assume that you're not here for the lesson." Ace said and finally looked at me. "What is it? I can see that you want to ask me something."

"If I ask you, Will you tell me the truth?" I asked.

Ace took some time before he answered. "That depends on your question."

I sighed. I guess I have to go to the safer route where he won't suspect a thing. "Is everything that this book says is real?" I asked and raised the book so that he could see.

Ace stared at me in the eyes before he stared at the book. "Why do you want to know?"

"Hey. I asked you first, okay?"

Ace frowned. "Shut up. I ask you why you wanted to know if it's real or not."

I huffed and wiped a hand across my face. "No particular reason." I answered. Ace didn't seem to be entirely convinced. He only narrowed his eyes at me in suspicion. "I don't believe you." He finally said. "If I know, you must have read something that triggered your interest. Last time I checked, you don't even care about the history of this kingdom."

I suddenly got irritated. This conversation was taking a lot longer than I wanted it to be. "Look here, your royal highness. I came to you to seek an answer. It's a simple yes or no question." I was suddenly aware that my voice had risen.

Ace didn't falter and countered me with his own pissed off glare. "I'm trying to be nice, okay? I kept my temper in check just for today because I figured that you are having a hard time with all these." Ace took a deep breath and massaged the bridge of his nose.

"You left the book earlier in my room."

"Prince Fred left it. Not me."

"Can't you just tell me? At least I am trying my best to learn."

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