Chapter 3 Charms to Charming

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My head is throbbing for some unknown reason. Why does it hurt?

Suddenly I felt the wind brushing pass my skin. It was cool and relaxing. I took a deep breath and was welcomed by the scent of lavenders and roses. I moved my fingers and was surprised when I touched something spiky......feels like grass.

"Who is this girl?" I can hear a voice somewhere above me. From its tone I can tell that it's a male. Am I dreaming?

"I have no idea. Maybe she's the girl that the queen was talking about?" Another voice said.

"Awe, how cute. But the way she dresses is pretty weird." And another. I wanted to open my eyes to see what was happening, but I didn't. I'm guessing that they still think I'm unconscious. Would they leave me if they think that I'm dead?

As if voicing it out, another male said "Is she dead?"

Great. There are more of them.

Whatever, as long as they think that I'm dead maybe they'll leave me alone. I held my breath to make it look like my heart stopped beating. I've never been good at acting, but I guess this'll have to do.

"Oi. She stopped breathing!"

"What do we do?!"

"Leave her. She is not of our concern." A new voice said. This one has a hard edge onto it. Oh joy! More of them.

"Cut it out, Prince Ace. If you continue that kind of attitude, you're not gonna find a wife." Argued the other.

"Stop it. Both of you. This isn't the time to argue! This girl is in trouble and you would rather kill each other than to help her?" Yeah! I'm gonna die here and you two would rather argue? Shame on you!

"Sorry, Fred" said the other. I felt something soft brush my nose. I fought the urge to scratch where it once had been.

"Prince Ren, what are you doing to the poor girl? Or are you Dan?"

"It's Dan you idiot. Get your facts straight. I'm just tickling her nose with this feather, trying to get a reaction from her."

"You really are stupid."

My nose is itching...

"Hey, did you just call my brother stupid?" A new voice said. And he didn't seem happy about the way that the other boy had called his brother stupid.

I wrinkled my nose since it began to tingle. I was frustrated that I couldn't even reach up and grab it - not when I'm still surrounded by strangers.

Let's just hope that the worse thing that they'll do is tickle my nose with a feather.

"Whatever, Prince Ren." the same man who called the boy named Dan said.

"Actually, I'm Prince Dan."

I actually want to sneeze now.....

"What?! But I thought that he said he was Dan!"

"Fooled ya!" The man beside me said.

"So you're Prince Dan and you're Prince Ren?"

"Why don't you take a guess?" both the boys said at the same time. I heard the other men laughing.

I really want to sneeze now....

"I hate twins!"

My nose began to tingle more and I fought the urge to sneeze. Just keep it in, Rose. Come on.

"Don't worry, Nate. We hate you too." said the twins at the same time.

"ACHO!" I couldn't stop the sneeze that was coming. It was too much for me.

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