Chapter 40 Dance of My Dreams

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Chapter 40

Prince Chace studied Fred for a moment before turning his gaze at me and smirked. His eyes twinkled in amusement as he looked back at Fred, who was waiting patiently and bowed. "Of course." He then gave my hand to Fred's outstretched hand. After excusing himself, he left.

I looked at Fred. He was also looking at me with a sly grin on his face. I was about to smile back when I remembered what he had done to me earlier. I grinned. "You're not gonna ditch me again, are you?"

Instead of feeling guilty like I expected him to, he laughed. "Are you still mad about that?"

I gave him a plastic smile then. "Why no, Prince Fred. I'm not angry. What makes you say that?" I said sarcastically, making him laugh even more.

"I only wanted you to keep your promise. I wanted it to be special. Our first dance together at a ball as each other's last dance for the night." He winked. His words send warmth to my heart, making my anger towards him slowly fade.

I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "Alright. You're forgiven."

He beamed. "How's your night so far?"

I thought about it. "It's pretty good. I met a few royals and a few other Prince and Princesses." I said. "But I haven't met any of the Kings and Queens yet. I guess you could call me lucky."

Fred chuckled. "Of course. There are only a few Kings and Queens here at the moment. The only kings and queens here are from the Faes, Trylles, King Luke, and Queen Elizabeth."

"What about your parents? What of Nate, Ren, Dan, and Ace?"

"We're the candidates." He said and raised a hand and twirled me around before pulling me back to him. "We were sent here with the consent of our parents. Since the kingdom of Thalia is the most powerful and influential kingdom to all, Kings and Queens tend to pressure their chosen offspring to win. That is why Queen Elizabeth made sure that our contracts with our parents were limited and only we could contact them. If we wish for a visit, it should be our choice. We can go and visit them back home, but they can't visit us here."

"That's sad," I said and gave him a sympathetic look. "Aren't you guys lonely?"

"Sometimes," He shrugged. "But it doesn't get that lonely anymore. With the other princes and all." Then his eyes looked into mine, and his expression became serious. "Especially now that you're here."

Fred and I danced for a few more minutes. And within that time, I got nothing but continued teasing from him and words that made my heart flutter in my chest. That was why when the music ended, I couldn't help but feel relieved and disappointed at the same time. Fred and I made a curtsy at each other as we finished. He smiled at me approvingly and complimented me on my dancing. At that moment, Ren appeared out of nowhere.

"Rose, there you are. I've been looking for you." He said.

"I was just dancing with Fred." Came my reply. Ren shifted his gaze towards Fred as if noticing him for the first time. He nodded in acknowledgment to him before looking back at me.

"Both the King and Queen of the Trylle and the Fairies are looking for you."

My eyes widened at his news. "King and Queen?! Why?"

He shrugged. "They wanted to talk to you personally."

I hope this has nothing to do with Ace's rudeness earlier.

I was frozen on the spot. I couldn't move. I don't know what to do.

I mean, what are you supposed to do when the king and queen of two kingdoms wish for your presence? In my training, I learned that you have to give them the utmost respect.

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