Chapter 22 Five Supernaturals and I

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I started to laugh. "I have to admit. I almost believed you back there." I hit his forehead. "You sounded so serious."

Nate narrowed his gaze and leaned forward. His eyes did not leave mine for a second. "I'm not lying."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. And I'm a mermaid. Watch me flip my tail." I scoffed.

"I thought she was human!" The twins sounded surprised. Ace hit them over their heads at their stupidity.

"He's telling you the truth." I turned my head to look at Fred. Curious was I since he started to take sides with Nate on his jokes. I only raised an eyebrow at Fred, then turned to Nate accusingly and glared.

"What did you feed him?" I crossed my arms and stared straight at Nate.

"I didn't feed them anything! I'm just telling you the truth. Believe me." Nate said.

"Oh yeah? Then what are you guys then if Nate is a vampire?"

"Dan and I are wolves." Ren answered. "Fred is a warlock and Ace is an Elf."

Santa's helper says what?

I roamed my eyes at each and every one of them. They all have the same hard look on their faces as if they wanted to take a dump. That was why I couldn't stop the laughter that erupted from me. I backed away and sat on my bed as I continued to laugh. Tears had formed in my eyes so I started to wipe them away with my finger. When I looked up, they still had the same look on their faces.

Wiping the last tear from my eyes I grinned at them. "As fun as that was I think we have had enough jokes for this morning."

"You still think we're joking?" This time, it was PRINCE Ace who spoke. It was the first time that he had spoken since he came back to my room.

"Why else would you tell me such stories?"

"Because it's the truth." I was caught off guard when Fred had taken the spot to speak. "Remember yesterday when you had a sprain on your foot?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering where this was going. "Yeah. But I could be imagining it. Nothing is there now."

Lies. I felt the pain of it yesterday.

"That's because I healed it." I stopped and tried to process what Fred had just said. Healed it? As in first aid? Is he a red cross in training? Well, if they have one in this world.

Ren looked at Nate with a tired look. "I think she needs proof." Nate nodded at Ren before looking back at me. He gave me a smirk. He moved in a blur that my eyes couldn't seem to follow. He moved so fast that I had to blink several times to make sure that I was seeing right. I gasped in surprise when Nate had his face close to mine.

But that was not the reason that made me uncomfortable.

It was his teeth. They were sharper and elongated. Pointed like needles that could easily pierce your skin.

I saw Nate leaning down on and exposed his fangs. "Still don't believe me?" He whispered.

Out of curiosity, I poked Nate's exposed fangs.

Making sure that he was not bluffing. Sure enough, it was real.

And that's where I lost my consciousness.


I woke up with a start. I was in my room, lying on my bed. I brushed the hair that had fallen on my face and looked around. The princes were standing by my bed staring at me. I gave each of them a curious glance as I took their appearances. I don't have to be a detective to know that something has changed on their features.

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