Chapter 72 Within the Woods

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Chapter 72

I have seen snakes before, but never at the size that can swallow a man whole. But though it is a snake, it seemed frighteningly beautiful because of its white skin with a few hints of blue, green, pink, and yellow on it.

The snake slid down and was now on the ground, flickering its tongue and carefully making its way towards us.

'Stay back, Rose. And don't move until I say so.' Ren then drew his sword as he readied for combat. I don't even know how a sword could damage a snake as big as that.

"Ren? Shouldn't we run?" I stuttered and looked at Ren worriedly. Even though Ren is a fighter and a werewolf, I still fear for his safety.

'Too late for that,' He said, and the snake began to strike quickly. If he hadn't been a werewolf with incredible reflexes, the snake would have swallowed him at that point. Ren didn't move, but he struck the snake with the side of his sword. I wondered why he didn't dodge the attack, but if he had moved aside, the attack would have been directed at Nora and me.

"Be careful."

'Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself and Nora. Make sure you make your escape once I distract this shit.'

"Come on over here, you slimy no-leg bastard!" Ren began running to the side after waving his hands in the air to attract its attention. The snake hissed and followed Ren. It struck again, and Ren jumped to the side to avoid it.

"Are you telling us to leave you? You are out of your mind!"

'As much as I appreciate your concern, I beg you to leave when the chance comes. You have Nora with you, and it is important that she is safe. I want to see you safe too.' Just as he said it, the snake lunged again, and Ren hit it with his sword. There was a clang as he clashed with its teeth.

I don't want to leave Ren to fend off of that thing by himself, but what else could I do? I can't fight. I don't know how. And what chance do I get when faced off with that snake? I'll just be a liability to Ren.

I looked down on Nora to see her trembling in my arms and imagined what Ace would do to us if harm got to his beloved sister. I cursed and looked back at Ren. "Don't you dare let it bite you. I'll go get help." I yelled at him, and he only chuckled in return. Ren moved farther, and the snake followed him. Now it's back facing us.

'NOW!' Ren ordered.

"Nora, come on," I said and carried her in my arms. As we were headed back for the forest, Nora dropped her dried apple on the ground, making me step on a few of them. Oh, shoot. "I'm sorry!" Nora cried out loud, and I don't even know what caught the snake's attention more. Is it her cries or the dried apples? Probably both.

The snake averted its attention to Ren and focused on us. I stopped moving, but Nora was too busy crying and wiping tears from her eyes to notice the snake. The snake started to slither towards us, completely losing interest in Ren as it had its eyes on us.

"No!" Ren screamed and lunged for it. He drove his sword down on the snake's body and to the ground. The snake hissed his pain and used its massive and powerful tail to throw Ren back with a large impact.

"Ren!" I screamed. There was a sickening sound of bones cracking and dislocating where Ren fell. I couldn't see his demeanor because the snake was blocking my view of him.

The snake turned back. Flicked it's tongue a couple of times before coming towards us very fast that we didn't even have the time to run. I only did what I had to do then as I pulled Nora away and shielded her with my body. Nora whimpered in my arms, and I closed my eyes and waited for the snake to bite, but it didn't come. Instead, I heard a growl and a loud hiss.

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