Chapter 47 His Past

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Chapter 47 

I followed Nathaniel upstairs. He was walking too fast as if he wished to leave the place immediately. Well after what had happened I couldn't blame him.

His parents were awful. I mean, my parents aren't perfect either but his parents were too much. If they were that kind of people, then they shouldn't have kids in the first place. And I thought that Ace has a nasty personality, but the king and queen of Vertez took that title easily.

In their eyes, they see Nate as a good for nothing.

I saw that Nate went inside one of the rooms. I would assume that it is his room. I paused in front of it. Suddenly, I heard a scream. It sounded angry - pained even - and followed by a loud crash.

I knocked hesitantly. "Nate?" No one answered. "Nate, you there?" I asked and knocked a little louder this time.

"Go away, Rose." Came his reply.

I paused. Then, like an idiot, I asked, "Y-You wanna talk about it?"

"No." Came his reply. "Just leave me alone, Rose. Please."

I sighed. "Alright then," I said and was about to leave when I thought of something. Before coming to Thalia, had Nate always lived like this? Every day being harassed by the words of his parents. He gets along with his brother, but he doesn't try to exactly console him at all.

I can't just leave this vampire prince in here sulking.

With a frown, I turned back and knocked even louder at his door. "Nate, open this door right now or so help me I will break it open!" I demanded.

He didn't answer.

"I know you can clearly hear me, Nathaniel!"

Now he was pretending to snore. Does he take me for a fool?

Alright then. Enough games. Pretty dress or not, I lifted my skirt and started kicking on the door. When the heel broke, I started pounding on it with my fist. My hands were already sore from the impact, but I didn't even think of giving up.

"Ow!" My fist landed on something soft that I had to pause and look. I saw Nate gripping his nose as he glared down at me. I hid my hands behind my back and gave him a sheepish grin.

"Uh...hehe. Didn't see you there."

"What do you want, Rose?"

"I...I-uh....." I stuttered while looking at the ground. I actually hadn't thought of what I was going to say, to be honest. But then something in his room caught my gaze. "What the?" Without his permission, I went past him and into his room. "What happened here?" I ask, looking at the mess on the floor.

"Yeah, sure. You can come in. No problem at all." Nate rolled my eyes as I closed the door. "Rose, you can't just go barging in on a guy's room. Especially since you're a girl."

"I'm gonna pretend that I didn't hear sexism in that statement." I turned to him. "But wow, Nate. That's a lot of anger in there." I pointed at the mess on the floor. "And you know what I think?"

He averted his gaze from me and looked at the ground. "I don't really care at the moment." He mumbled, which earned a glare from me as a response. "I-I mean go on."

"Nate, I think you are handling it all wrong. You are keeping that anger all to yourself and you are expressing it physically."

"Then what do you suggest?"


He scoffed. "Sorry, love. Not really the sharing-your-emotion type of person." He said. I narrowed my eyes on him. I marched up to him and pinched his ear.

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