Chapter 5 Other World Travel

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"Your highness, The carriage is ready!" One of the twins approached us. I wanted to argue more but for now I have to learn more about this world. I need to assess my situation first, how I got here and how I can go back.

"Thank you." she nodded her head at the twin and hurried off. The twin faced me and offered me his arm. I took it and let him guide me. "I don't want to be rude but which twin are you?" Instead of becoming irritated like I thought he would be, he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm Renevier. But you can call me Ren. If you can recognize me that is."

"Sorry. It must be hard for you two to be mistaken for each other." I turned my gaze to the ground.

"Oh, no need to be worried. My brother and I have gotten used to that. It's just that it would have been nice if someone can tell us apart." When he said that, his gaze was turned to the clouds above. It must really be lonely if only the both of them can tell each other who is who. Maybe even their parents can't tell them apart. What would have happened if they had gotten married? Would their wife mistake them for the other person?

That's complicated. Even though they could be potential accomplices of Elizabeth, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "Don't worry. I'm sure that one way or another, someone might be able to distinguish you." It might be hard since they act and look like one another though.

He was a bit surprised at what I said. A second later he laughed and shook his head. "Thanks, but I don't think anyone could do that."

"And why not? You're both individuals even though your twins." I said. "But not that I'm saying that we're close for me to know that. I'm just probably assuming things...." He didn't answer but he did offer me a smile and not since were now with the others.

He led me to the carriage and helped me up before closing it. The carriage was huge. The outside was white with some gold details on it. Two white horses are leading. Inside, I was met by the smell of daisies. The chairs were a rich velvet color. It was soft. Red curtains were also hung in case you want some privacy or to protect yourselves from the rays of the sun.

From the window. I can see that the twins were driving the carriage while the rest of the princes were riding their own horses. Even the queen is riding her own. Looking at them actually made me feel like I really am in a different world.

These damn other world travels may not be all bad after all...

I opened the window near the twins. "Um... The queen isn't riding with me?" I ask.

They just laughed. "The queen is a free willed woman. She loves adventures and wouldn't sit around and be pampered." From the way that the other twin was behaving I'm guessing that the one who I'm talking to right now is Dan.

"Thank you, Dan." I said. I smiled to myself when I saw the surprised look on their faces. I'm guessing that I got the name right. Dan faced his brother with a confused look. I smiled before closing the window.

Even though I said the carriage was huge, I still have to squeeze my way to the seat since there are some baskets piled in here. What are these? Props?

The carriage started to move. It was rocky at first but after a while, it began to steady. I peeked out of the curtain to see that we had just arrived in a village. People were milling every store. When they saw us, they bowed their heads in respect. Some would wave at us. They seemed to be loved by the people, I thought.

Wait. Hold on. This can't be right. If there's a village over here then this isn't a simple roleplay. This might actually be real. Was I taken to an old country where princes and princesses exist? How long was I actually passed out?

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