Green Tea

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"Shit, We've done it now Levi" you said busting in to Levi's office.

You paced back and forth as Levi sat in his seat drinking his tea.

"knock, Knock. State your name and business...oh, Y/N why COME IN... is that so hard for you to fucking do?" Levi asked as he glared at you.

"We're fucked" you said as you stole his cup from his hand and drank some of his tea. 

You froze as you tasted the flavor. 

Your eyes shot back to Levi sending him a glare.

"You've been drinking my green tea again asshole"

Levi leaned over his desk and swiped the cup away from you. He pulled out a handkerchief and cleaned the part of the cup where your lips once laid, letting out a small "tch" in the act.

"You told me I should try it sometime, and here I am doing what you told me... It's not bad" he replied as he went back to drinking it.

"Yeah, but this is literally the fifth time, start buying your own or else I'm drinking all your black tea"

"You don't like black tea.." he retorted 

"Just to get back at you, I'll drink it all- Fuck it, I'll eat those dam leaves if I fucking have to" you said still agitated with earlier events.

Levi let out a small smirk seeing the way you were acting.

"Alright, why are we fucked ?"

"Shadis said he was going to summon me soon..."

"Your one of his advisors, it's normal for him to summon you"

"No, he had a serious look on his face" you said, feeling goosebumps rise just thinking about it.

"he always has a serious look on his face.." Levi said annoyed.

"Levi, I felt it. Something is up...I think they know.." you said as you began to bite your nails.

Levi was quiet for a minute trying to understand what you were referring to. His eyes widen and his lips began to curl as the light bulb in his head flicked on. Soon a laugh escaped his lips. He took a sip of tea trying to calm down, but just thinking about it made him laugh even more.

"No, I'm not fucked..your fucked. After all you're an advisor, I'm just a captain following an advisors orders" he sneered.

"This was your plan! We both agreed to it! I shouldn't be the only one getting in trouble for this" you yelled at him, your face turning red.

"True..but you should of been the bigger person, Advisor." 

"Levi, that's not the point. What if I get my title revoke?!"

"I don't see a problem, Less stress for you. You'll just be a regular captain like me"

Your mouth opened to respond, but you were cut off by the door opening. 

"Y/N, Commander Shadis would like to speak to you" said Erwin.

Your legs began to tremble and your hands began to shake. Levi just watched you with amusement, a small devilish smile painted on his lips. He wouldn't lie and say he didn't feel guilty since it was his idea, but he knew Shadis liked you since you were good at your job for the most part. If anything he would apply a small punishment and ask you to apologize.

Erwin just stood there confused on why you were so nervous, he thought that maybe you knew what was happening. But then again why did that make you nervous, he thought.

You snatched Levi's cup away and swallowed the remaining tea and shoved it back into Levi's hands. You turned and began walking towards the door when you felt Levi's hand on your shoulder.

"Calm down. You'll be fine idiot."

You turned to face Levi and let out a sigh, calming down.

"Your right, if anything before my title gets revoke, I'll think of a good punishment just for you even if it's my last act as an advisor" you said with a smirk as you flicked his forehead.

Levi's face scrunched in anger, making you feel better. You turned and gave Erwin a nod before slipping by him and making your way to Shadis' office.

"So which Pig snitched?" asked Levi to Erwin.

"What are you talking about?" Erwin asked starting to get even more confused with what was happening.

"I thought as one of Shadis' Advisors and being Y/N's best friend you'd know who snitched"

"Snitch? For what reas- what are you talking about Levi?" Erwin's brows began to furrow in both confusion and concern.

"The military pol- we.." Levi stood quiet.

Maybe you weren't summoned for that, maybe it was something else he thought. If that was the case he wasn't going to open his mouth and get the both of you in trouble now. Instead a small smirk made a way to his face, thinking how stupid you must be looking right about now in front of Commander Shadis as you try to explain yourself over something he doesn't know. 

"Nothing. Why is she being summoned?"

Erwin stood quiet for a moment contemplating wether it was appropriate to let Levi know what was going on. He was a close friend to you and him, so he doesn't see nothing wrong with it. But knowing you well enough, he knows you'd be the one wanting to tell him the news. His eyes glazed at the thought of you rushing in, your eyes wide with excitement as your mouth hangs open, stumbling upon words making you look like a cute mess. 

"Oi!" Levi said, breaking Erwin away from his little day dream of you.

"Oh- I think it's better if we tell you together" Erwin replied

"We?" Levi's brow raised in amusement. 

"Yes, We."

" So, you were summoned as well to his office? With the same news?"

"Yes" Erwin replied once more. 

"Interesting.." said Levi as he leaned back in his chair trying to come up with a good educated guess on why both you and Erwin were summoned to the commanders office. It definitely had to do with something important if he summoned multiple advisors he thought. 

Levi saw as his friend headed towards the door to leave.


Erwin turned to Levi, "Yes, Levi?"

"Don't start acting like that imbecile and knock before you enter next time. Don't you people have manners"

Erwin let out a chuckled as he shook his head.

"Forgive me Levi, We'll see you soon"

and with that he left Levi alone in his office. Levi smiled thinking about his stupid friends but as he looked down at his cup, his face quickly switched over to anger as he stared at the empty cup.

"Tch" he said in annoyance as he stood from his chair and made his way to the kitchen to steal some more green tea.

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