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"Are you proud of me?" you whispered as you looked up at Erwin.

"Very" he said as he caressed your hair.

You looked up at Erwin admiring him, You placed your hand on his cheek. He placed his on top of yours snuggling into your hand. You turned red at the affection he was giving you. You had definitely missed having moments like these with him.

You snapped out of your admiration as you realized how affectionate you were being with Erwin. You didn't want to distract either of you, now that the both of you are at the finish line. You tried to retreat your hand away from his face, but you felt Erwin's hand hold yours, stopping you from moving it.

"Y/N, I've been thinking" he said as he looked down at you.



Your heart began to race and your mind took off running laps around your head.

What you didn't know was what Erwin had up his sleeve now that he decide to become a full blown traitor in order to get his godlike ascension and authority in place. He knew he could take advantage of your admiration for him, knowing how easily weak and controlling you are when he use to have you wrapped around his finger all those years ago. If anything you'd be weaker and more gullible now if Erwin were to ask you to be in a labeled relationship like you wanted.

This would be a win for him. He'd no longer have to worry about you running away with Levi, he can easily forbid you from hanging out with him. He can have you all for himself. He can get any love and affection he wants from you by just telling you sweet nothings now. You'd no longer be an obstacle as he'll make sure you look uncommitted to your position. 

If his plan works, Shadis will see that you can get easily distracted by a simple love interest and will reconsider his thought of placing you in the Commander position. Maybe you'd even be so in love, you would voluntarily give up the position for him. And after Erwin get's his position, he'll easily revoke you of all your titles and leave you as a simple cadet to avoid any further distraction from you. It was just too good and easy of a plan.

"I've been thinking about us before. How we use to be so happy and..I think I want to give us a try"

Your heart swelled as your eyes widen not believing your ears.

"But wouldn't I just be a distraction for you-"

Erwin intertwined his fingers into yours. He rose your hand to your lips and kissed it.

"That's what I thought all those years ago, but as I've matured I've come to realized that you were never a distraction Y/N..You were my motivation and I'd love to have you by my side"

Your eyes brimmed with tears and your lip quivered. All those years of loving Erwin and waiting for him patiently had finally come to an end. Here he was returning his love to you by asking you to be by his side.

"As a relationship?" you whispered 

"Yes, I'd love to tell the world that you belong to me Y/N, Plus some of your cadets told me that we'd look perfect together and their not wrong"

He looked down at your lips and went down to gently place a kiss on them. You gently kissed him back wrapping your hands around your neck. You both pulled away staring at each other.

You thought back to Levi telling you back then how Erwin was just a distraction in your way, but could it be he was wrong? Maybe it was just like Erwin said. Maybe he was your motivation? After all he had always been your source of happiness. Your smile always grew wider when it was just you and him. He was the one responsible for your uncontrollable fits of laughter and he was the one that fogged up your mind and gave you sleepless nights, yet sweet dreams whenever you did sleep.

Your mind rose to a question, Why all the sudden?

"Erwin but why all the sudden? Why now that we're so close to the finish line?"

"Because like I said, you're my motivation and I want to have my motivation by my side to help  lead me to the finish line. Am I not yours?"

"Of course, I just -"

" Y/N.."

You stopped as you stare at him.

The traitor slowly slithers his way up to his prey as it begins wrapping itself around it, He slowly takes a hold of your face with his two cold-blooded hands.

 He stares deeply into your eyes, finally locking its prey into place.

With a swift motion the traitor pulls out his fangs and sinks them deep into your skin, injecting you with his venom.

"I love you"

"I-I"  You stumbled upon your words.

 Your pupils dilated, your heart swelled heavily and you felt the blood in you flushing onto your cheeks. You fell lovestruck for Erwin, unaware that the word "Love" for Erwin was just a simple facade to him.

Your lips part to speak. You throat starts to feel dry, a lump forms. Fear kicks in as it prevents you from even breathing out a word back to him. You were completely left speechless at the confession you so long to hear once again from his lips.

All you could do is stare at him with watery eyes that finally flooded out its raw emotions. The heavy weighing emotions that were kept locked inside all those years of waiting. The eyes that contained love, admiration and deep devotion for him and him only. 

The traitor seals his venom with a kiss on your lips, causing your breathe to hitch.

 You couldn't help but cry into the kiss, not believing the ethereal moment that is unfolding right in front of you. He slowly removes his lips away from yours.

"So.." he whispers to you.

His million dollar smile begins illuminating the dark as he looks at you.

"Say you'll be mine Y/N"

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