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Erwin sat at the superiors table, furiously tapping his foot waiting for your arrival. Jealously still raged in him as he waited for you to show up just so he can pull you away to talk to you.

His eyes quickly made it's way to the door as he sees you and Levi entered. He watches carefully as you take out a tray and followed the line to get food. As you placed food on your tray he took notice that Levi placed his in the same tray as yours. He can see the smirk he had on his face as he told you something that made you glare at him.


As you both finished grabbing food, instead of making your way to the superiors table you both walked over to Jean's table greeting them. 

You looked over at Levi and nudged his shoulder. He looked at you with a glare and shook his head. You frowned at him and nudged him harder, irritating him. He sighed and placed the container from earlier onto the table, earning wide eyes from the four hooligans.

"Well Levi, don't you want to tell your group something?" you said smiling at him.

"I - This is stupid. There's ice tea if you dumb fucks want some" he said sitting down.

The four stared at Levi confused then look back at you waiting for you to translate for them.

"What Levi meant to say is : Hi Cadets, I made and saved some Ice Tea for you! I know how hot it is and how hard you've been working, I think you deserve a treat"

"Don't put words in my mouth Y/N" he said.

"Thank you Captain you're very thoughtful" said Marco politely as he smiled at Levi.

"YEAH YOUR AWSOME THANKS CAPTAIN" beamed Connie as Sasha and Jean shook their head in agreement.

Levi looked down hiding his ghost smile. He gave them a nod, feeling some what content with his action.


You said goodbye to your friends as you began to walk down the dark hallway towards your office. As you made a turn you felt someone grab you.

You froze in horror as you see a pair of eyes shining. Although they twinkled like beautiful stars, something about them told you they weren't content. You squinted your eyes trying to adjust to the darkness and as it finally adjusted you realize it was Erwin.

"Oh, You shit head don't scare me like that" you said as you placed a hand on your heart trying to calm it down.

"Y/N we need to talk" he said.

"Yeah, sure-"

"Smith? L/N?"

You both turned your head to find Shadis looking at you both. You both saluted him while greeting him. 

"A word in my office"

"Yes Sir" You said in Unison.

You followed behind Shadis as he lead you to his room.

You and Erwin sat in the chairs presented in front of Shadis' desk. He sat down with a tired grunt and intertwined his hands together. His eyes looked over to you and you gulped in fear.

"L/N, Word has come in that you've become the Cadets favorite, I'm happy to hear that you've gain their trust and loyalty so quickly." he said as he presented a small smile.

"Really?! I mean- That's news to me. I'm very pleased to hear that. They all seem like promising cadets sir" 

"You definitely have your foot in the lead for becoming Commander L/N. I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more from you"

"Thank You Commander Shadis" you said as you internally screamed in your brain.

Erwin gripped the handles of his seat becoming even madder at you. Even more..jealous?

He was suppose to be happy for your success not jealous. He couldn't help, but feel anger. He had charmed the cadets as well why wasn't he being the favorite? Everyone already referred to him as the next Commander so why you?

He snapped out of his thoughts as he saw you stand up and salute at Shadis before you excused yourself and left the room, leaving him and Shadis alone.

"Smith, As one of my most trusted Advisors and a close personal friend to L/N what would your take be if I appointed her as Commander?"

Erwin stood quiet for a moment. It was as if greed for power overtook him. This was his goal and not only were you a distraction, but the final obstacle he had to get through to reach it. He knew he had to do whatever it takes to get that position of power, even if it meant speaking venom and dirtying his hands...even if it meant betraying and becoming a traitor to the one who loves him most.

"Well sir. To be perfectly honest. Speaking as just a man who seeks justice for humanity. I am not completely through with the idea that Y/N should be Commander. I think she still has a lot to learn before being put in such an important position as that. I think she would simply buckle underneath all the pressure"

"Oh? But wouldn't you be there to help her with the pressure? after all I remember you stating you were her right hand. Plus with the loyalty and trust from she gains easily with her fellow soldiers I have faith she will be a great leader. She has the charisma and not to mention the brains for it"

Erwin bit his tongue, becoming jealous at the compliments Shadis made about you

"True, She is a truly great woman not to mention very beautiful..." 

he spilled out his venom.

"But I think Y/N gains their trust for being careless and not strict on her soldiers. For example today I found her group completely alone messing around in the practice forest. When I approached them to ask about her whereabouts, no one knew where she was. I had to takeover for her. I think that's why she's become their favorite, for not caring about what they did. Plus Commander Shadis I don't mean to brag but most of her "Brainiac" ideas are mostly mine"

venom spilled into the wound.

Shadis laid back in his chair as he went into thought, he was truly shock to hear this new information.

"Interesting feedback, Thank You Smith I think I heard enough for tonight. You're dismissed"

Erwin saluted and walked away, a sinister smile painted his face as his eyes showed no type of remorse for crucifying you.

Crucified -Jean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now