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"Alright, we'll who's gonna tell me what the fuck is up with you two" said Levi sitting across from the both of you.

He was starting to get creeped out by the wide grins being presented in front of him.

"Levi, Shadis promoted us" you smiled at him.

Levi's brow raise, interested in what he was hearing, "To what?"

"Well. Shadis hasn't exactly promoted us. He's retiring soon and he choose the both of us as runner ups for the Commander position" said Erwin.

Levi tried to fight the small smile that formed on his face, he was content that both of his friends were at the verge of their lifelong dream. He couldn't help but feel a little more content with Y/N, after all he had grown closer to her and he's done nothing but motivate her along the way just as she did with him.

"Well I guess a congrats is in order..Congrats you idiots"  

"Aww Levi, you're so sweet!" you said as you threw your arms around him.

"Yeah, Yeah. Please get off go me." he said patting your head.

You apologized and let go. You just couldn't help, but feel so happy at the moment. All your hard work was paying off and you couldn't  be more than happy to have Erwin as your runner up. You were glad that if you didn't get the position it would be Erwin. 


"I'm cold and tired" you whined as you slumped your head onto Levi's shoulder.

Levi side eyed you in annoyance. 

"Here scoot with me" he said.

He slowly scooted as did you, not leaving your head from his shoulder. You both scooted till you were standing next to a fire torch that was on the wall.


"Much better, thank you" you mumbled as you closed your eyes.

"Oi! Don't fall asleep on me. When they come in, get off of me"

"Mmm..." you mumbled.

You closed your eyes, until you heard multiple footsteps. You opened your eyes and saw the trainees in front of you. You felt Levi nudging you trying to shake you off but you wouldn't budge. You let out a groan as you felt Levi moving harsher.

You took your head off his shoulder and looked around. You had never seen so many trainees before. Your mind began to wonder how many will actually choose to head over to the Scout Regiment. Maybe like 3 you thought.

Shadis and Erwin arrived. Erwin saw you and and decide to stand next to you, sending you a wink. You smiled at him and greeted him. Shadis walked to the center of the stage and stood on the podium. His voice boomed loud as he began his big speech.

20 whole minutes passes and Shadis hadn't shut up yet. Your legs ache from standing for so long, your eyes were half closed and you tried so hard to fight off the sleep and tiredness kicking in. 

You felt pressure being applied to your shoulder. You looked to your side and see Levi leaning his head. His body was still up straight and his arms were folded.

"Does he ever shut up?" he mumbled to you

"Doesn't seem like it" you replied back in a low voice.

You and Levi decided to kill time by looking around at the new trainees. You quietly laughed as Levi started to already insult and judge them under his breathe. Both of you stood there unaware of the attention you were both getting.

The trainees had heard about Humanities strongest and his cold exterior, so their eyes were amazed on the sight of him leaning his head on a young female and making her laugh. He seemed to be enjoying himself with her. They saw as another person tried to engage in their conversation and Levi's smile disappeared, a straight face taking over.

They all began to assume that this must be Levi's girlfriend. Many female cadets were left upset and so were some males, sad that they didn't get a chance to hit on her now that they know Levi would simply break their fingers if they even breathed her way.

Calming down from something Levi told you, you opened your eyes and looked out to the crowd. Your eyes widen at the sea of eyes staring at you and Levi. You nudged him to look and he too was surprised. He was use to the stares, but these just felt weird. Remembering he was still leaning on your shoulder he lifted his head off.

You looked at him and then took the hint of what was going on.

"Sorry" you hear him mumble.

"It's cool" you replied. 

Your eyes continue to wonder the sea of trainees, your face held a straight face as you too crossed your arms in a dominance position. Every pair of eyes were filled with nervousness and fear until you landed on a pair of honey like eyes.

You looked at the trainee. He looked about your age. He had his mouth gape open. As your eyes meet, he began to flush red and quickly averted his eyes away from you. You can see his bald headed friend laughing at him as a boy with black hair and freckles patted his back. You found the moment cute, you chuckled at the three boys and focused your attention back on Shadis.

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