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Erwin bowed his head at Shadis.

"Again, I am deeply sorry for the misunderstanding"

Shadis shook it off as he patted Erwin's shoulder.

"Don't worry Smith, like I said it happens. Knowing your relationship with L/N it's quiet obvious your intentions were not to hurt her or her imagery knowing you only want best for her"

Erwin flashed him his saint like, innocent smile, "Yes, She's means a lot to me. More than you can imagine"

"Well then, I'm glad to have got this out of the way, your dismissed Smith"

Erwin saluted before he exited.


Erwin reached his office, slamming his door shut forcefully. He had his hands in fists as he gritted his teeth in frustration. The bad imagery he tried to set up on you failed as the truth was unveiled to Shadis. Good thing you didn't mention that he was the one looking after your group or else Shadis would have caught on to his lie.

He threw himself on the couch as he tilted his head back, eyes closed. A groan escaped his lips. Not only has Shadis talked to Erwin about the whole misunderstanding, but Erwin grew annoyed at the amount of boasting Shadis made about you. Erwin wanted his spotlight back, he was tired of hearing about your personal growth and achievements. Where was his praises. He was known as the savior of humanity, so obviously a savior needs to hear his worshipers praises. And as a savior, they should be standing at the highest position of power. He needed..No he deserved a godlike ascension.

His thoughts were cutoff as he felt two arms wrapping around him. You're perfumed filled his nostrils as you placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Feels like you been avoiding me for the past two weeks. I haven't see you around"

Erwin opened his eyes as he saw you staring at him with loving eyes. Your eyes always seemed starstruck when you saw him. It was as if the Love you had for him since all those years ago, never even faded away, not even a smudge. Even with the cold shoulder he was giving you lately, you simply brushed it off.

Erwin groaned out annoyed to see you. He was angry, jealous overall annoyed by your presence. He rolled his eyes. Your eyes glistened at his actions. He shook away from your embrace.

"Why are you always so clingy?!"

"I'm sorry Erwin. I didn't think you-"

"Exactly. All you think about is yourself, Don't be inconsiderate. Think about other people. Don't you think being clingy is annoying, don't you think it will push others away?"

"Your right, I'm sorry" you mumbled as you looked down ashamed.

Erwin smiled seeing you hurt. He got a kick seeing you upset. Usually, he hated seeing you sad, he use to try everything he could to cheer you up, not ever once did he even dare to raise his voice at you afraid to make you upset. But everything has change. 

"You should be sorry. Look at you, you're distracting me already from my work. Be useful and go act like a real Advisor for once." he spat at you.

He can heard as you sniffled a little, indicating you were fighting back tears. Another wave of happiness washed over him seeing the amount of damage his words can do to you. 

You blinked a couple of times trying to absorb your tears. You looked at him and gave him a half-hearted smile. You nodded your head and you leaned your head down to give him a forehead kiss goodbye. Your heart shattered as you see him flinch away from your kiss. 

You parted your lips to speak.

"Just Leave" he said sternly.

Your eyes light dropped. They casted down to the ground as you made your way to the door and quietly exited his office.

Waiting to make sure you were fully gone. A fat grin plastered his face. He began laughing. It was truly amazing how easy it was for him to kill your spirit and turn you against yourself. It was just too simple for him, and that's how it should be. He leaned his head on his hand as he sat thinking how he can finally one up you and take the lead for the Commander position. 


You sat in silence as you fixed the strap on your shoe. Surely hanging out with Jean will get your mind off of Erwin's words. You stood up and made your way to your mirror. You fixed the strap of your dress as you pulled out any wrinkle sitting on your dress. Brushing out your dress, your eyes slowly gazed up at your complexion. You tried your best to lift up your spirits up, giving yourself a smile.

There was no way you were going to be rude and ruin the practice date for Jean with your mood. If anything you should make it a good one, you wouldn't want to push him away or annoy him like Erwin stated. You fluffed your hair once more before you gave yourself an affirmed nod. 

Grabbing your jacket you slipped it on as you exited your room and headed to leave your office. Opening your door you were surprised to see Jean standing there with Marco fixing his collar. They both froze as you stood looking at them with a sly smile. Marco quickly patted Jean's back before he ran off and disappeared down the hall. You turned your attention back to Jean. To your surprised he looked more composed than you expected him to be.

"Y/N" He greeted with a smile.

"Jean" you smiled back.

He pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. You look down and your eyes widen in awe at the sweet action of his. A smirk hit your face as you smelt them.

"Def good so far Jean. Extra points for the details" you laughed.

Seeing that he didn't respond you looked up at him. His gaze was caught on you. You lifted one of your brows in confusion.

"Is everything alright?" you asked with a bit of concern.

"Yeah, you just look really nice tonite."  he said blushing lightly.

His words caught you off by surprise, it made you feel a bit better from earlier knowing he wasn't annoyed with you. You couldn't help but blush at the compliment a bit.

"You look nice too, very dashing, but maybe add a bit more spice to your attire" you said eyeing the vest he put on top of his regular uniform.

"Noted" he said as he lifted on finger in the air.

You shook your head as you chuckled.

"Shall we my' lady?" he said offering you his arm.

You quickly placed the flowers in your office before you left, holding on to Jean's arm.

You both walked down the hallway laughing.



"Don't use the word my'lady. Your gonna make them feel old"

"Shit, my bad"

"Language Jean!"

"Right!, forgive me beautiful"

"Much better Jean Boy"

"Do I get points for corrections?"

"No, Jean"


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