Dream Girl

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Returning from the mess hall and a long day of training, Jean threw himself onto his bed, all his willpower drained from him.

His muscles ached and all he wanted to do was sleep. Closing his eyes for 5 minutes he found himself uncomfortable, his straps beings the main reason why. He groaned as he sat up and began unbuckling and removing everything.

Opening his drawers he rummage through his clothes to get his sleeping clothes. A light thud was heard as something fell onto the floor. Jean bent down to pick up the item and realized it was his sketchbook.

He took it back to his bed and sat as he browsed through the pages. The pages were covered in countless drawings of random objects. Some even contained drawings of friends and families.

Flipping halfway through the book, a streak of emotion flashed through his face as he landed on a portrait. His eyes scanned the paper and his fingers lightly traced the portrait. 

The portrait of his dream girl.

It was scary how much it looked like Mikasa. No wonder he had been so infatuated with her. He studied the portrait once more.

Something just didn't seem right to him.

He walked over to his desk and sat down with the sketch book. He pulled out an eraser and a pencil and started erasing and adding things to the new portrait. His eyes squinted as he poked out his tongue in deep concentration. 

The pencil lightly danced around the paper as his eraser made special appearances then and there. His hands would gently twist the paper around trying to catch the perfect angle. His fingers tremble lightly as he added tiny details. One last touch of shading he pulled back to look at his new master piece.

A gasp escaped from his laps.

There on the paper stood his dream girl. 

Same eyes, same lips, same smile, same hair 

"I really am in love with her" he groaned.

It was amazing how much she looked just like you. He didn't even try to draw you out. It just happened.

"What's that?" you asked by the side of him.

Jean jumped in his chair quickly scrambling close his sketch book. His heart was palpitating abnormally. He can feel himself sweaty aggressively as his fingers curled up in fear. His mind raced as he thought you had heard what he said.

"Um, sorry I didn't know it was something so personal to you." you rubbed your arm embarrassed.

"No, no you're fine. You just scared me" he breathed out.

"Oh!" a smile grew on your lips as you beamed with pride

 "I was actually planning on scaring you before I got distracted by your artwork. it's really nice!"

"You really think so?"

"definitely, You got some real artist hands" you said throwing yourself onto Jean's bed

You raise your hands to your face as you studied them.

"You should see my route plan. Just a bunch of stick figures and squiggly lines for horses" you laughed.

The bed dipped as Jean laid next to you. He grabbed one of your hands as he studied them. His gaze soften.

"Your right, You don't have Artist hands"

He took your hand a placed a kiss on it

 "These hands belong to a Commander"

You felt yourself become flustered. You can feel the tingles from his kiss on your hand and the warmth that was still present as he still held onto your hand.

"You think so?" you said breathlessly

"Know so"

You turned to Jean. He turned to you. Both faces so close, you can feel each other's hot breathe.

Both tempting and inviting to one another.

Your eyes wandered down to Jean's lips. Your eyes went back up to his.

Should I kiss him? Maybe I do like him?!

Jean's eyes became half lidded as he gazed at your lips.

It was evident, you both wanted the same thing. 

He began leaning forward, inching close to you.

You heart began to swell and ache. The butterflies in your stomach began to flap their wings faster, feeling tingles.

Close, your hand reached out and grabbed Jean's chin, stopping him. 

You both looked at each other, breathlessly.

"I'm sorry did you not want that?" he whispered to you.

He carefully watched your face to seek any hint that told him you were uncomfortable. 

"No, no. I.." 

You had no response for why you stopped him. You watched as he sighed and look down, feeling embarrassed.

"Hey" you called to him 

His eyes meet yours again as you shot him a smile.

"I did want to. I promise, just.. I have a lot on my mind right now"

"It's okay. I understand" he smiled at you.

You felt him find your hand again and slowly intertwine it with his. You looked down at the hands now enclosed. Your eyes glazed as a smile appeared.

"You know.." you looked up at him. "Maybe I should dump Levi" you cooed

Jean looked at you blankly not understanding the joke. As if the light bulb in his head turned on, an "OH" escaped his lips. 

A smirked played his lips.

"Is that so, just for me" he gasped dramatically

You playfully rolled your eyes at him.

"What? Who said I was leaving him for you?! I was just stating" you played.

You watched as his cheeks started to turn red. He raised an arm to his face, shielding his eyes.

"I knew that" he mumbled.

You erupted into a fit of laughter. You squeezed the hand that was still intertwined with yours.

"I'm just kidding, Your mom would probably kill me if I didn't choose you"

He turned to look at you. His eyes wide

You chuckled as you let go of his hand. You sat back up and hoped off the bed. You stood and walked towards the door. Jean quickly sat up and tried to catch your hand but you had already made it over there.

"Anyways I only came In here to return those to you"

You said pointing at the the clothes he had let you borrow when you had spent the night.

Jean bit his cheek as he stared at the neat folded clothes sitting on top of his drawer. He was anxious to ask you to spend the night with him again.

Seeing Jean go in a pensive state, you assume he was tired from the hard training. You decided to depart so he could get some rest.

"Well that's it good night!" you said opening the door.


The door closed before Jean was able to speak.

Upset, He buried his face into his pillow as he let out a groan.

"Dam it"

so close.

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