Affectionate Hugs

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The door swung open to your office as a frantic Jean walked in. His eyes scanned the whole room until they widen as they settled on you. You looked up at him with a confused face as you held a pack of ice onto your cheek and your other hand settled with a pen as you wrote your work.

Jean stuck out his head from your office as he yelled down the hall.


Your face grew annoyed realizing who he called.

"Really Kirstein-"

Levi rams himself into your room as he shoves Jean aside. His eyes grew wide as he approached you. His hand reached out to remove the ice pack from your cheek, but you smacked it away. 

He looked at you as if pleading. You sighed and nodded. His hand reached out again and removed the ice pack. His eyes drop as he looks at the bruise on your face, he felt himself crush the ice in the pack. He took his other hand and reached out and touched your cheek, lighty tracing the bruise.

"I'm so sorry" you hear him whisper.

"Ackerman, you're embarrassing me in front of my cadet" you said side eyeing Jean.

Jean just stood there, he wasn't so sure what to do. You can see his mouth drop when he saw the bruise, a look of empathy formed in his eyes.

"Oi, don't give me pity Kirstein. You too Ackerman".

You turn your attention back to Levi who was still dumbfounded by the bruise. His fingers just kept lightly tracing it as if he was in a trance. You grabbed his hand to stop him. His eyes meet yours.

"I said I was gonna protect you-"

"I don't need your protection. You warned me and I didn't listen, it was on me."


"I'm sorry" you said as you offered him a small smile.

His eyes look down at your smile. He knew you were still hurting inside, he wanted to ask you what led to such events, but he knew it was best not to at the moment. You felt immediate pressure be added to you as you felt his arms wrap around you. Your eyes widen for a moment not use to the affection from him.

"Your such an Idiot" he mumbled in your hair.

Your lips curved lightly as you wrapped your arms back. You rubbed his back as if trying to comfort him. You knew he was starting to feel guilty for not being able to protect another one of his friends.

"Levi, you're embarrassing yourself in front of Jean" you whispered to him.

"I don't care" he whispered back as he held you tighter.

You felt your eyes began to water from the affection.

"Levi, Please let go"

"Just a little more"





"Levi.. if you hold me any more..I'm afraid, I'll start to cry in front of Kirstein" you confessed.

You felt him slowly pull away. He looked at your eyes and to your word, two tears began to race down your cheeks. He smiled at you as he wiped away your tears with his thumbs. You sent him a smile back as he stood back straight and turned to Jean.

"You will say nothing of today Jean, to nobody" said Levi.

"Yes sir" he saluted.

"Jean, I'm sorry for having you see your advisor like this. It was very unprofessiona-"

"No, Y/N it's ok. I understand"

"Right, well I think I need some space for a bit."

You looked up at Levi to see if he took the hint. His face grew annoyed as he crossed his arms.

"No, I'm staying tonight. It's not safe" he said 

"No, You're not. It's over. I already talked it out with Smith"

Levi stared at you. You sent him a small nod, assuring him everything was gonna be alright. 

"Y/N" He whined.

"I said no, listen to your superior" you smirked.

"Your unbelievable" he muttered.

"Good Night Ackerman" you said as you stood and pushed him out the door.

"Good Night L/N" he sighed in defeat.

You see him slowly walking to his office. You continue watching him until you notice his pace of steps becoming more quicker and wider. Your eyes began to fixate on his figure as he continues to walk down the hallway as if nothing, but you weren't buying it. You knew his body language too well.

"Oi, If I see you or hear you were at Smith's. Prepare for the worst Ackerman" you yelled down the hall.

His figure stopped abruptly, he knew he was caught. His teeth gritted as he slowly turned to you.

"Yeah, Yeah" he rolled his eyes and made his way to his office.

You laughed lightly as you smirked in victory. You turned around to Jean and found him already on your couch half sitting/laying. Your brow lifted.

"That includes you too Jean. Out"


"C'mon out" you said walking over and pulling on his arm.

You were caught off guard as he wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled you to him. You felt yourself fall forward and fall into his awaiting embrace. You tried to pull yourself out, but you felt him push you into his chest more.

"Let go Jean"

"I need to do this for you Y/N, I owe it to you"

"For what?!"

"For all the nights you held me as I cried over Mikasa"

"Jean, you don't owe me anything. It's part of my job as your advisor, I need to take care of you"

"Is that really your care that much about your soldiers" he whispered.

You froze for a moment listening to his words.

"You did it because we're friends isn't that right ?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then as a friend and not a cadet. Let me care for you Y/N" he whispered.

You felt chills as you heard his words. He tighten his arms around you as he place his chin on top of your head. You felt the warmth of the affection starting to affect you again. Tears started forming in your eyes.

"Jean, please let go" you whispered to him.

You felt him caress your hair.

"It's okay to cry Y/N-"


"Your my friend"


"Y/N it's okay" 

Your body trembled as you couldn't hold your emotions any more. A sob escaped from your mouth as you dug your face into Jean's chest. Your hands gripping his shirt tightly as he began to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. 

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