Return of the Warmth

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You took a deep breathe. Your hand began to sweat and tremble. You were sure you were about to loose your grip. You begged yourself not to fuck up.


"HA! HA! HA! I DID IT!" you squealed as you flipped one side of the egg, folding over the fillings you placed inside of it.

You slid it out and onto a plate. It looked pretty good to you. It was bright yellow and it looked edible, no burnt crisp or nothing.

You placed your hands on your hip.

"Sweet! Fuck being a Commander, I should be a chef or something!"  you stated proudly to yourself.

You dusted off your hands before you began walking down the hall with the plate, taking it to the tea expert to see your final result. You kept your eye on your newest creation admiring it. It definitely has to be the most perfect omelet you have ever attempted to make. You felt yourself run Into someone. Quickly, you caught the plate before it fell. Your head shot up to scold the cadet responsible until you notice those gleaming blue eyes.

"Pardon me Y/N, I didn't see you" Erwin smiled down at you.

You felt yourself grip the plate harshly. The heat transferring onto your hands.

"No Problem Advisor Smith. Please be professional and use my last name and title" you said with gritted teeth

"Oh? But we're friends. I shouldn't have to do such a thing"

"Sorry to burst your bubble but we're not. Learn to respect me"

Erwin laughed as he held out his hands. "Alright forgive me Advisor L/N"

His eyes casted down towards the plate in your hand. His smile faded away.

"Whats this funny little creation ?" he pointed

You didn't reply you simply shoved him out the way with your shoulder and began walking down the hall again.

"Move out the way would you Advisor Smith, I need to take this to Captain Ackerman before it gets cold"

Erwin balled his hands into fists feeling a surge of envy wave within him. He closed his eyes as he let out a deep breathe trying to calm himself down. 

"Advisor L/N" He called out to you with out turning around.

Both of your backs face each other as you stopped walking. A sinister smile painted Eriwn's face as he heard the echo of your footsteps go to a halt.

"I hope Captain Ackerman has shared my message to you"

"....And what message would that be Smith"

"Oh, just simply that I have won our little game" he said enthusiastically 

Your laugh erupted out of your throat as it echoed down the hallway. The sound of your footsteps came alive once again as you began walking.

"You're a funny man Smith, Very funny indeed" 

You called out before turning a corner and vanishing.


You opened the door and found Levi looking down at "Erwins" battle route. Seeing you he quickly rolled it up and put it away. You also notice him placing a book in front of his cup, hiding it from your view.

"Still drinking my tea, I see"

"It can't be helped"

You walked over to him and placed your plate down in front of him. With the fork that sat on the plate he began poking your new creation. He carefully moved it around trying to find and sort of error that screamed "Intoxication"

Crucified -Jean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now