Last Signal of Life

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Your eyes were now dry. Your mouth was slightly open as you took in small breathes, trying to hold onto the life you had remaining. You look down at where your hand once sat in place.

Jean, I won't be able to hold you properly anymore. I'm so sorry.

You look over to the pieces of fingers on the floor.

tch. Levi would probably think I'm disgusting now

You felt the end of your lips curve up a little, imagining Levi's face as he scrunches it up in distaste.

"I hope you two morons see that dam Ocean" you croaked out the barely audible voice you had left.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heavy foot steps out in the distance. You felt your body tense up  and began to tremble after hours of numbness. The heavy footsteps, had reminded your body that you really were going to die out there.

Fuck.  I need to move. I have too. I can't die yet, please

You tried to get up, but the deep stab wound and loss of blood made you too weak. You tried dragging your ass on the floor as you pushed with your hand. Frustration and fear took over as you were making barely any progress and the footsteps got louder.

You felt tears well up in your eyes as you began to slowly give up once again. 

"Y/N!" you heard the trees call.

Your head snapped back to where you heard your name being called.

Am I hallucinating?


Your eyes widen. Your heart began to race as you recognized that voice.

"Jean?" your voice croaked out.

"Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU!" screamed the forest.

"Jean!" you tried to scream out, but it sounded more like a harsh whisper.

I need to find him.

You used your force to pry yourself up. Half way standing, your knees gave up on you sending you to fall on your face. You felt yourself fall on something hard. You sat up on your knees and patted your jacket.

Your Flare gun

Your hand scrambled as it reached into your jacket and pulled out your flare gun. The footsteps began getting louder. You moved the revolver, clicking your purple flare into place. Your eyes widen as you see a pair of droplets fall onto the gun.

No, please not now

You looked up at the sky and sure enough, rain hit your face as it came pouring down from the dark clouds that hoovered around you. You whipped your hand up in the air as quick as possible and shot your flare, hoping Jean was able to see it.

The purple flare shot up into the dark sky for a pair of seconds before the rain quickly washed it away.


You can hear the footsteps now entering the forest as the titan began rummaging thought the trees. It seemed as the mindless titan knew there was a presence of human within the forest.

Your hand trembled as it spun the revolver again, shooting out the other colored flares that still remained inside the gun's chamber. And just like the first flare, the colors vanished within seconds as the water washed it away.

You saw the trees a few feet in front of you moving. You look down at the chamber of the gun, there were two more left. About to shoot the next one, you were meet with darkness as the shadow of the giant 15M titan laid over you.

Your eyes shook as you looked up at the titan. It's scary smiling face sent chills down your spine as it stared at you. It leaned forward and grabbed you, holding you into a tight bone crushing grip. Your body started to feel heavy as it squirmed around trying to fight for it's freedom.

The titan raised you and started opening it's mouth about to shove you in. You managed to free your hand and shot one of your remaining flares into the titans eye's, blinding it and causing it to loose its grip on you, sending you down. 

About to drop down 15M, you found yourself falling and barely landing on a branch. Your legs waddled in the air kicking as you tried pushing yourself full onto the branch. Using your arm you gripped the end of the branched and pulled yourself forward, shifting your whole body onto the branch.

Now safe, you wasted in no time and shot out your last flare.

Green- Change direction of the formation. Shot by the Commander only

Your eyes teared up as you watched the last flare disappear. There was your last signal of life.

Your last SOS.

The titan now reached out for you again and you had no power left in you to try and find an escape route. You found yourself once again in it's hands. You closed your eyes and finally accepted your fate.

"I'm sorry, I really tried" you whispered.

Darkness laid over you as you were about to enter the titan's mouth. You heard the sound of a slash rip through the air. You felt something splatter on your face. You opened your eyes to a headless titan. 

Before you got a chance to even react, the hand went limp making you drop down again. A pair of arms caught you. You looked up to see your true savior.

"Jean" you cried

He placed you both down on the ground. His eyes scanned your whole body.

"Jesus, look how he left you"  he said breathlessly 

His hands trembles as he pushed your hair away from your face. He picked up your arm as he looked at the graphic injury. Tears meet his eyes.

I couldn't defend her from him again.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" he whispered

"I couldn't-"

You shut him up with a kiss. You pulled away and placed your forehead on his. You tried to take a few breathes in trying to calm down from everything that's happened. Jean wrapped his arms around you, breaking down, crying. 

You broke down with him, relief finally washing upon you. 

It's over, it was finally over.

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