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You jumped startled by the voice behind you. You try to play it cool as if you didn't hear him and you began walking to your office. Near your destination you turned around and sighed in relief as you noticed you had lost him. You opened your door and closed it as you put your back on it, closing your eyes.

"Oi! You dumb ass! Open your fucking eyes!"

Your eyes opened as you saw Levi sitting on your chair. He had his arms crossed as he sent you a glare.

"Not now Levi, I have work to do"

"I found these past few days to be peaceful and quiet"


"Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I haven't, I just been busy."



"You been absent from bringing me my daily tea"

"Your a grown man Levi, you can get it yourself"

You stood in front of Levi, "Shoo"

Levi stood up and sat on your couch as you took your seat. You opened your drawer and pulled out your stacks of work and began looking at them trying to avoid eye contact with Levi.


Your head shot up looking at him. A smirk grew on his face as he crossed his legs.

"Got it. So what happened?"

"Nothing happened Ackerman, now please leave your disturbing my concentration"

"Please, you disturb my concentration all the time" he scoffed

"I'm your advisor, I'm allowed to and you my friend are not" you said starting to get upset as you rubbed your temples.

"Ouch. Something must of really bitten your ass for you to be acting like this"

"Dam it Ackerman! I said leave" your hands turned into a fist as you slammed one down.

Levi looked blankly at your fist, blinking a few times. He stood from his spot and walked out of your office.

You looked at your now swollen hand. Tears brimmed your eyes as you ran a hand through your hair, frustrated.


Y/N happily walks down the corridor, content as can be. Everything seem to be going well for her. Her hair glowed as she past by the bright windows that illustrated the bright blue sky.

Man, that Armin cadet has me thinking about the mythical sea. He's pretty smart, he's like a mini Erwin .

A smile appeared on her face as she thought of Erwin.

I wonder if Erwin believes in the sea? I'd like to see it with him some day.

Y/N continued her journey down the corridor when she ran into her Commander. She flashed him a warm smile as she saluted him.

"Good Morning Commander, Shadis Sir"

"Good Morning Advisor L/N, I was just looking for you. Accompany me to my office" 

Shadis didn't wait for Y/N to answer as he turned on his foot and began walking. Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion, but she obliged as she followed behind him. Y/N closed the office door and turned to find Shadis sitting down with a straight face.

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