A Beast for a Feast

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"MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!" Yelled Connie out to the crowd.

He had a smug look on his face as he walked around like he owned the place. The crowd dispersed leaving an open trail for the cadets to pass by. They stood in astonishment.

"MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!" chanted Sasha as she swayed her head.

She rode on top of a giant wild boar that was being dragged to HQ. 

You had convince Shadis to allow you and Levi to venture out a bit to find some meat for the cadets in honor of the Expedition. Sasha, Connie and Jean had all begged to tag along. Close to saying no you finally gave in knowing well the three cadets deserved a small, easy going outing. 

You even invited Marco not wanting him to be left out, but to your surprise he declined. He seemed to be terrified of the wild life. No matter how much convincing you, his friends and surprisingly Levi tried to do he always simply declined the offer kindly with a smile on his face.

So now here stood five Survey Corp members walking along next to their prize they had managed to kill in order to feast. And by kill we mean you and humanities strongest. The cadets just sat behind a tree cheering the both of you on as you committed the gruesome deed.

You walked happily next to the boar, holding hands with Jean as you watched the cadets you meet up with at the entrance help pull the animal back to HQ.

"Hey Y/N, Can I hold the gun?" asked Jean

"Why, so people think your the one to kill the beast?" you smirked at him

"WHAT?! NO! I just, your back looks tired" he lied

As much as you wanted to continue teasing him for his awful lying skills, you couldn't help but find him cute for wanting to do such a thing. He was almost like a child wanting to show off his artwork to everyone.

"Yeah, you're right it is a bit sore" you lied as you began stretching.

You swung the rifle off your back and handed it to Jean. You watched as his eyes began to glow with excitement and a grin was plastered on his face. Without hesitation he quickly threw the rifle's sling on his arm so he can carry it like a big shot.

You couldn't help, but laugh a bit as you notice his walk change. It became more of a strut as he walked with his head held up in pride. He even walked faster, still holding your hand trying to walk in front of the boar and in front of the crowd so everyone could get a chance to see him.

They'd probably think I'm a full on man. A great hunter with a beautiful girl at my side, he thought.


He wanted to look badass too.

"Easy, because I'm her boyfriend" Jean retorted pulling you closer to him, by your waist.

"Oi! Knock it off you two. Connie ask Levi if he'll let you borrow his weapon"

"Why bother he's gonna say no"

"Maybe if you ask nicely, I'm sure he'll say yes" you smiled at him, trying to motivate him.

Connie nodded his head and went to Levi. A few moments letter he came grinning like a fool, showing off the bow and arrow Levi let him hold onto.

"Aww Sick! Look at me, I'm a real pro" Connie squealed.

"Yeah, well you don't look cool as me" argued Jean.


Jesus, so much for an easy outing. These two idiots are giving me a headache.

You let go of Jean's hand as he continued arguing and walked over to Levi on the other side.


Levi gave you a nod as a greeting. You stuffed your hands in your pocket as you walked quietly next to him taking in the town scenery.

"Do you think if I had lived here, I'd be more outgoing?" asked Levi.


"Yeah, as in social. Like you"

You thought for a moment. It was a pretty good question.

"I honestly don't know. Maybe not, some people are just natural introverts."

"kinda wish I wasn't an introvert. They seem to bore everyone with their presence let alone not only do I bore, but I scare. There's never a smile when people talk to me or even look at me. I mean just look at them, they stare at me with fear in their eyes"

You looked around to the people who stood their staring at you and Levi, whispers being waved from ear to ear. You swung your arm around Levi.

"Who gives a fuck about them. I smile when you're with me and so do the four hooligans, maybe not around your face all the time, but they do like you. I mean look at that idiot"

You pointed at Connie who was still arguing.

"He's dying for a chance to be as bad ass as you. You don't think that's a sign that he likes you"

Levi looked over at Connie. 

"Oi! AssMatt your holding it wrong"

You watched as Levi walked over to Connie and showed him how to properly hold it. You can see the same expression on Connie's face as Jean had before with your rifle. 

Pure excitement of a child.

"Sick! Thanks Levi, Shit! I mean Captain Levi Sir" 

You watched as his excitement turned into fear in a quick second. Levi held his monotone face as he looked at him.

"It's fine brat."

Connie's smile grew back as he went back to show off to Jean. You watched as Levi watched Connie, a ghost smile present. He turned back to you.

"Thanks" he mouthed.

You gave him a nod.

"WE'RE HERE!!!!!" exclaimed Sasha as she jumped off the boar.

She ran inside HQ and in a moment she came dragging two chefs by their sleeves.


She ran to the boar and hugged it tightly as she stared at it with devouring eyes and a drooling mouth.

"Oh I just know you're gonna taste so good! Look at you"

She patted the Boar.

"So thick, So juicy!" she moaned.

You laughed as you had to watch Levi drag Sasha away from the boar. She pleaded Levi to let her go, claiming she wanted to help prepare the beast for dinner.

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