In Another Life

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Monday morning, Levi sits at his regular spot waiting on you to appear. He drinks his green tea as he looks outside at the early sky. His fingers tap the wooden table relentlessly. If you show up any later, the cadets will start showing up for breakfast and you both won't get to enjoy a quiet morning together.

You finally arrived at the door and peeked your head in. Levi averts his attention to the door where you stand. 

"You're late, They'll be here in a few minutes"

You rubbed the back of your neck.

"Yeah, I know but I just couldn't shake Jean off me this morning"

"Did you finally sleep with him?"

You walked inside and headed straight for the kitchen. You made yourself some tea and some biscuits for you and Levi before returning back.

"No" You nudge your head to the door.

"Let's go outside yeah"

Levi nods and follows you out the door. You both head to a small pond where you lay your jacket allowing you and Levi to sit on. You hand over the plate to Levi who thanks you as he takes some food. You both stare at the pond and the greenery surrounding it, enjoying nature's song.

"I kissed him"

"Yeah? and what happened?"

"He kissed me back"

"That's good no?" Levi asked as he turned to you.

You took a look at the dark water. A small smile makes its way on your face as you think about Jean.

"Yeah, I guess we do like each other"

You took a bite out of a biscuit.

"Wouldn't let go of me this morning or last night though. Just kept holding my hand all the way back" 

You chuckled at the memory of you growing annoyed with Jean's automatic clinginess, but you deep down enjoyed the attention and affection he was giving you. It was something you were never able to experience with Erwin.

"Then why are you in such a pensive state?"

Your eyes kept fixated on the water. You stood quiet for a moment before you responded.

"Do you think the ocean's water is dark like the pond's or clear like the creek's?"

Levi kept his stare on you. A pang of worry began to struck him. He turned back to the water and studied it.


He picked up a biscuit and turned back to you. He squeezed your mouth so it would pop open and gently placed it into your mouth. You bit down on the food as you began chewing it. Levi popped one in his own mouth.

"The brat said it was a shimmering blue, so I say clear"

You nodded your head. You stood quiet once again before you opened your mouth once more.

"Do you think I'll be able to see it?" a hint of fear mixed in with your words.

Levi's brows began to furrow, now he was definitely worried.

"What's with these questions? You never have doubts"

You let out a sigh as you turned to him.

"Just a silly dream" you took a sip of your tea.

 "I dreamed of reaching the ocean. It felt liberating, like we finally accomplish something meaningful, something big and I guess I just really want to be there when it happens"

Crucified -Jean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now