"I told you I'd Win"

499 18 18

"T-THE O-OCEAN?" you stuttered.

"YES THE OCEAN Y/N!" Armin exclaimed.

You look down at the substance and picked it up again. You raised your hand up to your nose and sniffed it. A grin rose to your face as you realize the dirt-like substance also smelled like the air, salty.

Is this responsible for that smell?

You took a bigger sniff but this time some of it's particles flew up to your nose. You scrunched your nose and sneezed causing Armin to laugh. He picked up the substance and let it fall from his hands.

"This is called Sand, it's found at the Ocean" he beamed

"Then why is it here?"

"The air must have carried it over here, I'm guessing this is build up of over years"

"Wow" you exclaimed

You looked back down at it

"So..we really are close?!" you felt tears well up in your own eyes.

"Yes, we are"

Armin liked seeing the look of excitement on your face. You were probably one of the only ones who took him seriously when it came to the ocean, so it was special being able to share this moment with you. 

You two were the first to find sand, a clear sign that the ocean was not just a myth and that it wasn't far from where the both of you were standing.

"I can't believe it! I-"

The sound of a shot was heard. You both whipped your heads and looked up at the sky.

Purple code- Emergency/ AID

"Let's go Armin!"  you said already forgetting about the sand.

You both shot off into the trees and ran towards where the flare was set off. You looked around but found no one down below on the ground injured.

That's strange...

"Y/N" called out a voice 

You see Levi standing on a tree with his group. You shot off and landed on his branch.

"Captain Levi? What's the emergency?"

He turned to Sasha who looked like she was about ready to loose her shit.

"I hear them coming. Hundreds of them!"

She was sweating profusely. She began bitting her nails as she looked at you.

"A swarm of titans?"


You knew Sasha's six sense was basically super human hearing. The girl had the gift to over hear any conversation, fully detailed at an unbelievable far range. So when she claims she can hear the footsteps of hundreds of Titans, better believe she was true to her word.


"Sasha can you calculate how long till they get here"


Your heart sank. Five minutes.

"Right, Umm" you felt your blood run cold.

What the fuck do I do.

You looked at the cadets faces. They all looked petrified except for Levi and Jean. Jean was staring at you with worried eyes because he could already tell you were slowly loosing your cool. Levi looked at the ground trying to think of a plan to evacuate everyone quickly.

You reached into your pocket and whipped out the flare gun. You put in the blue powder in and shot it up into the sky.

Blue Code- Retreat.

Crucified -Jean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now