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You pulled the mask away from your face as you stood in the middle of the room with your hands on your hips. Levi pulled his mask down as he stood next to you. Hearing no complaints, you smiled satisfied with todays cleaning duties.

You walked over to the corner and picked up the basket.

"Is this everything?" you asked.

"Yeah, thanks" he said.

You nodded your head as you used your foot to open the door and headed up the hill. As you look at the amount of hangers you had, you knew they weren't enough for all the clothes. You called out to Levi.

You see as his head appeared from the door frame. He looked up at the mountain seeing your figure.

"I need more hangers can you get them for me?" you called out.

Levi doesn't respond, he simple retreats back in.

You began taking out clothes, starting with Levi's, not wanting to wrinkle the perfectionist clothing. You took out the mint leaves and lavender that you kept between the clothes.

You rose one of the shirts to your face to take a whiff of it. Smelling the mixture of both scents, brought a sense of happiness and relaxation to you. Satisfied, you neatly hanged the shirt, pulling out any wrinkles.

As you made your way through the laundry, Levi's clothing was all hanged. You started making way through your clothes as you began to hear chatting.

You look down the hill and see the cadets hanging out on the the training grounds. Looking at them you didn't look down to see the next piece of clothing in your hands. 

As you continue to look, you saw Armin and Mikasa close by. You felt their stares as they seemed to be discussing something as they stole quick glances. Armin looked confident in what he was saying as Mikasa stood with an unsure face. 

As you grabbed the hanger and began to hang your clothing, you look down at it. You stopped for a moment to look at the dress. Memories of Erwin that night flashed in your mind as you began to grip the dress tightly.

Your eyes casted down to the hill you were on. Your lip curved a bit remembering when you had shoved Jean and sent him rolling down the hill. You unwrinkled the small wrinkles from the strong grasp you held it in.

As you placed it to hang on the line, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

You turned around to find Armin and Mikasa. Armin sent you his sweet smile while Mikasa held on to her scarf.

"Arlert, Ackerman" you greeted.

"Hi Y/N, Mikasa wanted to ask you something, but she's too shy" she looked over at Mikasa.

Mikasa casted her eyes afraid to look you in the eyes.

You offered her a warm smile, "Is everything alright Mikasa?"

"Uh, yeah I wanted to ask if maybe you can lend me a dress. I have a date and well your the only one I feel comfortable asking since your my advisor, besides I'm not very close to the females here"

Your eyes lit up remembering Jean's date. You stared at Mikasa. She really was a pretty girl, Jean really was lucky.

"Of course! Please feel free to approach me with anything Mikasa, you too Armin. Would you like to accompany me to my room to see the dresses I have?"

"Actually I was wondering if I can borrow that one, it's very pretty" she said pointing at the one you hanged.

"Sure, but I just put it to dry, Can you pick it up from me later when its ready to go?"

She gave you a nod. She looked down before she spoke up again.

"Then maybe if it's not too much trouble, can you maybe help me get ready later. Well you don't have t-"

"I'd love to, I'm getting bored of hanging out with old men anyways" you joked at her

"Thank you Y/N"


Bringing the clothes in with Levi, you quickly made your way to his closet as you pulled out the iron. His brow rose in amusement.

"What's the occasion?" he asked over your shoulder.

"The other Ackerman asked to borrow the dress for her date"

"I see, with the titan boy or with horse face?"

"Horse Face" you smiled.

"that's surprising"

"C'mon he's not that bad"

"He's repulsive"

"He's sweet"

"Stop defending him"

You didn't reply you just shook your head. Levi grabbed his clothes.

"Smells good as always, thanks L/N"  he said heading for the door.

"No problem Ackerman"


As you began finishing fixing up the dress as much as you could, you heard a knock on the door.

You were greeted with Mikasa and Armin at your door. You greeted them and let them in.

"Here you go, I tried to make it as presentable as I could" you said giving her the dress.

Mikasa escaped into the bathroom to get dressed. While she got dressed you looked over to your makeup items trying to see what would suit Mikasa. Armin sat at your desk smelling the different perfumes you had trying to choose one.

Mikasa reappeared as you and Armin's eyes widen. The dress hugged Mikasa's body perfectly making it look more snug on her than on you. You couldn't help but look away for a bit, you can feel your self esteem lower.

"You look gorgeous Mikasa!" Armin excitedly said.

"Very Pretty indeed" you said, agreeing.

Mikasa blushed as she thank the both of you. You led her to your little vanity and started applying her a small amount of makeup. As you were up close, you could take in all her features. Her skin was smooth with a porcelain finish. There was no signs of blemishes of any sort and her lips were natural plumped with a natural tint of red on them. Her eyes had a natural underline that made her eyes seem more define and feminine. 

As she gushed at herself in the mirror you couldn't help but stare at your own reflection. You weren't ugly per say, but you just felt very average looking next to her. You felt a hint of jealousy in your system. You quickly brushed it off. It'd be rude to be jealous you thought. You should be happy for her.

You continued fixing Mikasa up until you pulled away and looked at your new master piece. Armin stood next to you to take a look at the big picture. You both turned to each other and smiled, satisfied with the overall outcome.

  "How do I look?" she asked

"To die for Ackerman" 

Crucified -Jean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now