It Ends Here

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"Hurry Up and spit it out Smith, I have work to tend to" you spat at him.

Erwin sat at his desk while you leaned your frame by the wall.

"Have you forgotten who you belong to"

You blinked a few times not processing what he said before you snorted out.

"Not to you. Yeah, I forgave you for that whole Marie bullshit, but stealing my own work was low of you. You're a pathetic man Smith."

Erwin rose from his chair and grabbed you by the chin pulling you to him. A hard kiss was placed on your lips.

"You're Mine, Only Mine Y/N"

"Get the fuck off me"

You tried pushing him away but he wouldn't move.

"Y/N come on. It was an accident can't you find it in you to forgive m-"


"Fuck You. It's over"

Erwin touched the spit on his cheek. A grin rose to his face. He wiped the spit off his cheek with his fingers before tasting it.

"You kinky girl. If you wanted to play rough why didn't you just say so"

You felt as his hand removed it self from your chin. About to move away, you found your back slammed back to the wall as your breathe was caught in your throat. Erwin gripped your throat tightly.

"You know what, Sure! we can be over but remember this. I might have kissed you. I might have held you. but I never once loved you. You're nothing to me. You will mean nothing to me and I don't regret what I've done. You've been nothing but entertainment for me"

You stared at Erwin in disbelief of the words that escaped from his mouth. Letting you go, you found yourself slump down to the floor. The love for him was gone, so why did his confession still hurt?

Because maybe deep down inside, you wanted him to have loved you the way you had loved him. 

You wished that at least during training years there was some form of love there, before this whole commander role, but nothing, he never felt anything for you. And that hurt.

"You said that you could let her go.. I told myself that you were right for me.. but all you did was chew me up and spit me out every single time and I let you.. I told myself that I'd be forever yours even if you weren't mine.." 

You struggled hard trying to avoid tears escape your eyes.

"Oh enough with that bullshit, you said it yourself, it's over. Get it through your fucking thick skull that there was nothing there to begin with"

"At least tell me.. Was Levi right? Was everything just for the role?"

You knew the answer already, but you just wanted to hear it from him.

"He's a smart man isn't he"

 A smile formed on your lips as you thought of Levi. You picked yourself up and wiped the tears away.

"Very, I should have listened to him instead of following a shithead like you"

You felt Erwin grab you by the hair and pull you closed to his face.

"Careful with your words"

You stared at Erwin for a moment. A set of fire rose within you, a feeling of wanting revenge. You looked at him deep in the eyes before you began laughing.

"What's so humorous?" he growled

You grinned widely as you looked at him.

"I see now.. why you went through all this trouble. It's obvious...the look of fear and insecurity in your eyes. You know it, I know it, Levi knows it, Shadis knows it that I'm the better person to take that role. And guess what baby.."

You leaned in to his ear and whispered "I will do whatever it takes to get it and rub it in your fucking face. I'll make sure of it."

You can see Erwin's face turning red. You caressed his cheek as you pouted at him.

"Awww, What don't tell me you can't handle the truth Smit-"


Your whole face turned as you fell from the full force slap you received.. Your cheek stung badly as it already began to swell up. You held onto your cheek as you looked at Erwin.

Erwin simply turned around and sat on his desk. He folded his hands as he took a deep sigh.

"I was told to apologize to you for lashing out at you during the meeting, but seeing that you lashed out on me right now, I'd say we're even.."


"Besides that, he doesn't want us to argue, he can't afford to loose his best men. So let's cut the chat and end everything here shall we"

You rose to your feet. 

"It ends here Smith"

"It ends here L/N"


Levi and Jean burst through Erwins door. Levi walks up to him and pulls him down by the collar.

"Where is she" he demanded.

"Hello Captain Ackerman, if you are referring to Advisor L/N, she left a while ago. Now please let go your wrinkling my uniform"

Levi shoves him away and heads to the door before turning to Erwin once again.

"If I find that you did something to her, I swear you'll pay Smith. I won't let you hurt another one of my friends again"

"Oh, but have you forgotten L/N was in on their deaths too. Surely you couldn't have forgotten" he grinned.

Jean's eyes widen, "Captain Levi what does he mean-"

"She did nothing! It was all your idea, she just followed your lead since you had her on a fucken leash!" He barked

"Sure Ackerman, whatever helps you sleep at night. But please do send L/N a message for me, tell her... I have already won"

A sinister smile came up on Erwin's face as he thought of his plan on how to take the role for once and for all.

Jean again stood confused "Win what?"

"You won't win Smith. Take your pretend victory and shove it up your ass,  Kirstein let's go" Levi snapped before leaving the office with Kirstein hot on his trail.

Erwin just stood in his office as he watched out of his window.

Yes, It seems like he's already won.

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