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Levi was sat down in a wagon as Commander Erwin Smith had directed his soldiers to head back   to the walls. He had waited for an hour to see if Jean would have returned, but to Erwin's content he never arrived back.

They set off in silence as the cadets mourned not just yours and Jean's "deaths" but as well as those who's lives were actually lost in the expedition. The gates opened as it welcomed the soldiers back inside.

The towns people looked at them confused as they had already seen two members of the wings of freedom already return. Loud whispers of confusion began to fill around as they watch the rest of the members head back to their HQ.

The Survey members ignored the many whisperings, assuming it was the everyday bad mouthing they faced. They were use to hearing the towns people call them a waste of their "tax money" so they didn't bother to tune in, already in a bad mood from their loses.

That was until Erwin overheard two merchants loudly whispering.

"I thought only two made it back" 

Erwin stopped his horse and turned to them.

"What did you say?"

The two ladies looked at him.

"Well, we saw two soldiers come in a while ago. We assumed the rest of you got ambushed by titans."

Erwin felt his blood run cold. 

"And they had the wings of freedom on their back?"

"Yes. I believe it was a male and a badly injured female"

His hands began to hold onto the reins tighter.

So she had survived.

Erwin didn't know what to do. He looked forward blankly. He was finally going to get caught for his selfish actions.

I just need to convince Shadis she's lying. Yeah, that's it.

He took a deep breathe and continued leading the rest of the Survey Corps back to HQ.

Erwin entered HQ quickly and set for the medic room. He sprang to see if you had indeed made it back. He barged into the room and found it empty. He slashed every curtain open and to his relief, all the beds were empty and neatly made.

Maybe I made it before her? Or maybe the merchants got confused with the Garrison jackets?

They had to have mixed jackets up. She's not here and she's not in the shape to be walking around. 

He let out a deep sigh of relief.

It's finally over.

A sly smile came onto Erwins face.

I actually did it. It's mine.

He felt already more power. He was ready to take over right away. Erwin left the medic room and headed to Shadis' office to share the "sad" news and claim his new god ascension of a position.

He walked with a powerful stride as he headed down he hall. Levi past by him with his head down not in the mood to talk, he was heading straight to his office to lock himself up. He didn't even bother to share the information he got from Armin nor did Armin tell Erwin, knowing it was not the right time to do so.

Erwin now eyed Shadis' door. He began to pick up his pace, excited for what was about to happen. A few feet away from the door, his feet began to slow down as he watched a nurse and a doctor exit out of Shadis' room.

Odd. Could Shadis be sick? Was that why he was retiring now?

None-less, it didn't matter. That spot was his. He got it "fair" and square.

Erwin put on his saint face as he opened the door. He saw Shadis sitting at his desk with the same look he always carried, looking bored as he viewed documents.

"Commander Shadis" Erwin greeted.

Shadis look up from his papers.

"It's actually former Commander now" he chuckled

"Right Sir" a real smile came up on Erwin's face.

"We have came back from our Expedition" he announced

"So, I see. And how did it go?" Shadis asked as he overlapped his hands.

"We have lost some soldiers today, but less than average. We also haven't been able to find anything new for we were meet with hundreds of Titans at the forest trying to ambush us"

"Sounds like a rough day, but I take it you did what a Commander was suppose to do and handled the situation perfectly, right Smith"

"Of course sir" Erwin smiled.

Shadis shot him a smile back. He picked up the documents he was viewing.

"And as a great Commander, you should be able to inform me of everything in full detail like a report correct. Nothing left unsaid"

"Of course. It's one of the many traits a Commander should have. To be able to be precise in detail" Erwin responded.

Every time he heard Commander, another wave of excitement struck him. It was almost as if Shadis was calling him one already.

"Right" Shadis said 

"Then explain to me why Commander L/N showed up without a hand, blind and hanging on the verge of death at the gate of the wall along with Cadet Kirstein"

No, It's couldn't be. But she wasn't here.


"I heard you sabotaged your flare gun with gun powder on purpose. You gave it to her, knowing what will happen. So I take she wasn't lying about the flare gun incident in the classroom either, you indeed were trying to shoot her"



Shadis slammed the documents that he had viewed onto the desk. Erwin's eyes widen as he saw  your documents that had Erwin's smudge from the gun powder.

"Sir that wasn't for-"

"Don't even bother. The lingering smell of gun powder is still on her Smith. It's over you lost"


Erwin went into a state of panic.

How could everything that was planned out perfectly, fail so miserably.

The sound of the door clicking made Erwin turn around. Two Military police stood waiting for Erwin, cuff in hands.


Shadis held up his hand, not wanting to hear anything else. He looked over to the MP's and sent them a nod. They went up to Erwin and cuffed him, taking him away. Shadis let out a deep sigh of disappointment.

Never did he imagine Erwin to have gone to such deep lengths for such a role. Truly, that man was not right in the head. He walked over to his bedroom door and opened it. He leaned at the door frame as he folded his arms, a sad warm smile present on his face as he watched your sleeping figure.

"How is she doing ?" he asked

Jean didn't take his eyes off you, holding your hand.

"Doctor said she's doing better than expected" 

"Yeah, she is a fighter after all"

"Yeah, a fighter till the very end" Jean agreed.

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