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You looked at the door in front of you.

Here we go again. 

You took a breathe before you quickly open the door without knocking. With a straight lip and dull eyes you approached Erwin who sat looking at papers on his desk. He looked up at you trying to catch your gaze, but you simply avoided it. Placing the coffee on the desk you quickly turned around and made a break for the door.

"You can't ignore me forever Y/N"

"Oh, but I can Smith" you said still walking.

You felt a pair of strong hands weigh down on your shoulders, causing you to come to a halt.

"No, you can't"

You didn't even give him the satisfaction of turning to look at him. You simply looked at the door that stood there mocking you of your freedom.

"And what makes you think that I can't?"

"Because.." you felt his arms engulf you into an embrace. "we're together remember"

You look down at the ground trying to fight the urge to smile and give in.

"and..." he said coming down to your ear.

You felt breathless, a fit of butterflies starting flying in your stomach as you felt him right next to your ear.

"and?" you said breathlessly.

Erwin grinned, satisfied that his little move worked.

"and because you love me" he cooed.

You bit your lip, contemplating. You were aching for his touch, but you just felt like you couldn't easily give in. You really wanted the problem to fully come to an end, you were tired of worrying about spending too much time with your friends, afraid of Erwin's jealousy. Your eyes casted over to the large hands that laid in front of you. A soft hidden smile appeared on your face. You gave them his hands a pat before you unwrapped yourself from the embrace and left him standing in the middle of his room.

Erwin blinked a few times. He growled in annoyance. He sat in his chair, furiously tapping on his pen. A part of him grew mad, how was he suppose to be your distraction and cut you off your pathway if you won't budge in and comply to him. What happened to being helplessly in love with him? What happened to giving in and agreeing to everything he said? Could this be the act of self growth Shadis had notice in you, taking charge of your own actions, independently without relying on anyone, especially Erwin your right hand man?

Erwin sighed as he looked at the daily coffee you always left him. Even when you would argue, you never failed to bring him his daily drink. His lip curved remembering the first time you bought him his drink during cadet training days, when you were barely getting to know each other.


"TA-DA" You beamed.

You set two cups of coffee down. 

Erwin smiled up at you, he pulled out the chair next to him so you'd sit down.

"What's this for?" he asked.

"So we can stay up and study for the final! Here it's hot" you handed him a mug.

He took it and was pleased as he felt the warmth of the mug hit his cold hands. He rose it up to his face taking in the nice, rich smell. As he brought it up to his lips he felt something prevent him from taking a sip. He looked at the cup to see your hand was covering it. His brow lifted up in confusion as he saw your worried face.

You quickly took the mug away from him. You began blowing the coffee trying to cool it down. As you saw the steam lines disappear, you sacrificed yourself to taste test the coffee to make sure it wasn't hot anymore. 

Erwin couldn't help but watch in amusement. The way you cutely blew out the coffee slowly and with caution. The way you sacrificed your poor tongue as you taste tested his coffee and burnt yourself. He noticed how you didn't even care about yourself, you were too busy, concentrated trying to cool the coffee down for Erwin so he wouldn't burn himself.

Taking another sip. You placed the mug down as you stared out in thought. You let out a  "Hmpth" with a firm nod, satisfied with the temperature. You turned to Erwin with a smile as you handed him the coffee.

Erwin gave you a smile before he took it from you. He place his lips on the mug as he took a sip. He felt the warmness of the Coffee warm him up and wake him. As he set the coffee he turned to you.

"What? Did you get burned ?" you asked in a worried tone.

"No, it's perfect thank you"

You smiled at yourself, pleased. You nodded and put your attention onto the textbook in front of you. Erwin couldn't help, but blush at the cute girl sitting down in next to him. She was such a caring girl. A major sweetheart with a big heart, always shinning kindness upon her peers, but Erwin couldn't help to notice the extra mile you went for him. He couldn't lie, he absolutely loved being spoiled with affection by you. Without a single thought he leaned down to your cheek and placed a loving kiss.

Your attention quickly went over to Erwin as you turned your head at him in shock. Your mouth gaped slightly open as a hint of redness came onto your cheeks.

"It's to thank you" he replied nonchalantly as if what he did was an everyday thing.

"Oh, is that so?" you said with a smirk.


"Well then get ready to pucker those lips lover boy, cause I'll be bringing you one everyday" you said confidently with a cheeky smile.

"Ah is that a promise Tulip?" he asked, smirking at you. 

You pulled out your pinky at him.

"It's a promise Blondie"

Erwin chuckled as he pinky promised you.


A sensed of guilt waved into Erwin, remembering everything you've done for him. He look down at the coffee, swirling it around the rim of the mug.

It's complicated to describe how he feels for you. He carried a sense of jealousy and hatred when it came to you at work, but he also carried a sense of love for you. He sat confused. Was this love for you real? is love even real? Was it those feelings he developed for you all those years ago? or was it the same situation as last time, He was in love with the image of Marie. One thing is for sure, love was a complicated thing for Erwin and you were the biggest complication of it all.

His brows relax as a serious face took over his features. He picked up the mug as he walked over to his sink and poured it out.

There is no time for him to be thinking about this. You are an obstacle, a distraction preventing him from his goal, and this just proved it to him. He wanted to win that position, no matter the cost.

Even if it meant sacrificing you in every which way.

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