Epilogue 3: Pretty Boy

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Next Epilogue will contain Spoilers from AOT CH.139 FROM THE MANGA SERIES, PLEASE AGAIN READ AT YOUR OWN RISK/ WILL.

"SASHA! DAM IT! DONT GIVE UP ON ME!" Jean shook Sasha who laid on the floor, bleeding out

"PLEASE...NOT YOU TOO" he choked out.

He had already lost Y/N back then and he was not ready to loose Sasha too.

The two women he loves so dearly. 

Sasha just looked up at Jean. Her eyes were half lidded as they began to feel heavy.

"Jean, you're so loud" she groaned

"Sasha, C'mon get up" cried Connie next to Jean.

He should have never jinxed their chances of survival.

 He cursed himself out as he hated himself for telling Jean, Marco and Sasha that he was glad that they had survived. That it was unfortunately about the others, but his heart was selfish and mostly cared only about his and their well being.

Now here stood Connie and Jean crying their hearts out as the last woman from their group was slowly fading away into an endless slumber just like the first one did. Marco couldn't even look at the scene, crying at the corner of the aircraft.

"I'm so sorry Sasha" cried out Connie.

"Please Sasha... forgive me"

"Connie stop crying, please your giving me a headache"

"Sasha but I-"

"Connie, it's alright you idiot "

Her breathing started cutting into shorter quicker ones, causing Connie to panic.

Connie refused to accept Sasha was dying. He got up and started to run frantically, looking for some form of aid.

Sasha chuckled softly as she watched her favorite bald boy disappear.

She slowly turned to Jean,



"You know what love is like, You had it with Y/N after all.." she smiled


"Can you tell Nicolo, how much he means to me?"

Jean couldn't believe he was hearing Sasha in defeat. He had always taken her as a strong fighter, it was unheard of to ever hear word's of defeat come out of her mouth. He held one of Sasha's hand in his.

"Don't say that Sasha. You'll be the one to tell him, yourself"

"I'm not"

"You are"



"Jean, look at me..." she whispered "I'm not and that's ok"

She closed her eyes smiling as she thought of Nicolo. 

He must be cooking something right about now. I wonder if he thought about me today.

I really need to tell him someway. I can't leave like this.

"Tell you what Kirstein, let's cut a deal you and me. If you tell him for me. I'll tell Y/N for you"

Jean froze hearing her words.

It felt like a strong puncture in the heart.


"Do we have a deal?"

Even at death Sasha remained persistent as always. 

She opened her eyes a bit to look at Jean. 

"C'mon Jean, what do you say" she whispered

He looked at her for a moment. He knew she wasn't going to back down and give up. He let out a sigh as he swallowed down his sorrow. He shot her a sad smile of defeat.

"Yeah, sure Sasha. It's a deal" he sniffed

"Awesome" she whispered.

She squeezed his hand as a way to thank him, before she closed her eyes once again.

"I think I just need some rest. I'm feeling tired" she sighed

"I'm getting tired"

An unpleasant memory flashed in his head as he thought about Y/N.


He shook Sasha trying to wake her up.


Sasha began to groan, 

"Stop It Jean, I'm really tired. Let me shut my eyes for a moment"

Jean began panicking.


Sasha didn't reply, keeping her eyes closed.

Jean's heart began to sink.


He waited for a response from her, but nothing came out.

 Sasha didn't open her eyes anymore, She had fallin into the endless slumber.

"Please Sasha..Wake up for me" he cried to her

"Please.." he pleaded to the now deceased soldier.

Getting no response, Jean hanged his head low as he realized Sasha was gone. He let out a quiet sob taking it all in. It hurt just as much as the first one did.

Everything seem to fall into slow-motion from then on. Connie screamed in despair as he sees that his twin flame had burnt out. Marco dropped to the floor hearing Connie's scream of pain when he walked back in. Jean stood numb. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

He's lost another.

The two women that's meant such a significant amount to him and had impacted his life were now dead and gone.

"Sasha...Y/N" he whispered out their names.

He digged his nails into the palm of his hands in deep frustration.

Jean felt an arm on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry" said the voice.

He looked up to Levi. He hadn't talk to him much since Y/N's passing, but Levi understood how Jean was feeling at the moment. He understood the pain of loosing the people he cared the most.

He understood what it was like to loose Y/N.

Levi knew the least he could do was comfort him as Y/N would have wanted him to do.

Jean didn't reply to Levi, he simply let out a shaky sigh, coming to terms with what life had presented him once again with.

This was reality, a normal part of life and he needed to learn to accept it. 

As his lover use to say,

"Don't cry Pretty boy, it's normal"

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