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"You must really be the dominant type with the way you left him" 

"Shut it"

"Sorry right, you must be into rough play right? Is that how it works?"

You rolled your eyes as you continued cleaning up Jean's face. You looked down and see Jean embarrassed.

"Don't listen to him, he's a virgin what does he know" you winked at him

Jean's eyes widen as his mouth gapes wide open.

"OI!" Yelled Levi.

You raised your hands up in defense, "Hey, I'm just telling the kid the truth"

"Tch. Just hurry up we have somewhere to be"

"Then go, you don't have to wait for me. I'll meet you there"

Without a reply, Levi turns around and heads out the door. You turn back to Jean as you began putting medicine on him. You couldn't help but smirk as you thought back to Levi's mad expression.

"Notice how he didn't deny it" 

"Wait so he is?!" 

"Yeah, but it'll be our little secret okay"

You extended your pinky out to him as he hooked his around yours.

"Good, now how do you feel?" you beamed at him.

"In pain" he whined as he tried to lift one of his arms up.

"Please, I'm not that heavy" 

You lifted his arm up and he began to hiss in pain.

"Oh, Dam..I guess I am"

Jean and you both looked at each other blankly before you both erupted into laughter.

"You know I think, I deserve some form of an apology?" he smiled.

"Oh really? If I recall, I apologized to you plenty of times"

"Yeah but a sorry kiss could make all the pain go away" he flirted.

Ah now I see. He wants to play the flirting game. I really should have never helped boost this boy's confidence. Too bad he can't beat me at my own game.

You leaned in closer to Jean's face as you gripped his chin.

"You'd like that huh?"

Jean simply nodded.

"Will it really make your pain go away?"

Another eager nod from Jean.

You leaned in closer, lips almost touching, but you quickly turned to his ear.

"So, You'd like us to play rough too like Ackerman said" you whispered.

Jean felt a shiver run down his back and goosebumps form on his skin. His blood rushed to his face as he pushed you back.

"Alright, Alright I get it enough" he said flustered.

You began to erupt into laughter " Aww We were literally just getting started. I thought I taught you how to master the art of flirting and teasing"

"Y-You did, I'm just-" he turned his head as he began to act in pain "I'm just in so much pain right now"

"Didn't look like you were in pain when you pushed me away"

"Paaiinnn, Paaiinnn" he whinned

"You're such a baby, Remind me how you got on Levi's squad"

"Cause I made it to top 10 baby" he smiled proudly

Crucified -Jean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now