Bath Time

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Captain Levi walks to his group, monotone face present as always. His brows raises in displease as he sees his group not in ready positions. He sees them spread out, talking lowly. Some of them even have their hands up in there face or their face tucked into their shirts or jackets.

What the fuck is this?

"Oi! You brats get into your formation!" he says as he finally arrives to them.

The cadets ran to their spots, with their faces still covered.

"Why are you-"

He begins smelling the air as a strong fume hit his nostrils. He begins smelling around to see who was responsible for the smell until he landed on a cocky smiling cadet. Jean Kirstein stood firm with confidence radiating on his face. Next to him were his 3 friends who had their noses tucked into their shirts.

"Kirstein! Are you responsible for this?" gritted Levi.

"If you mean that devious yet delicious scent Captain, then yes I am" he said smiling proudly.

Levi didn't answer.

"Alright, Cadets go run me some laps. Kirstein you stay here" he ordered

The cadets saluted and went off to the track. Kirstein stayed. His smile was still present thinking the Captain himself was going to compliment him, maybe even ask where he obtained such a wonderful, captivating smell.

Levi walked off and began walking to the side of the building. About to grab the hose, he spotted you and Erwin. You were talking to one another with big smiles on your faces. He had his arms around your waist as you had yours on his neck.

 Erwin spotted Levi by the corner of his eye. Something in him wanted to prove to Levi his dominance over you. He gripped your chin unexpectedly and gave you a rough kiss, slithering in his tongue into your mouth. Your eyes shot open at the unexpected affection. You kissed him back until you pulled away for air. He caressed your hair as he whispered in your ear, telling you that he'll be back to finish what he started later. He shot you a wink before walking away leaving you with a hot face. Erwin sent Levi a smirk as he walked past by him.

You rose your fingers to your lips. You couldn't help, but blush. You turned around to walk when you see Levi just standing there with a hose in his hand. Your eyes widen as you realized that he was there the whole time that scene unfolded. You began coughing awkwardly trying to kill the tense air.

"Hey Captain Levi" you said shooting him an awkward smile.

Levi held up one of his hands.

"You are one sick fuck"

You rolled your eyes, "Alright virgin"

Levi's gaze harden.

You looked at the hose in his hand and decided to change the subject.

"So what's with the hose?"

Levi looked at you and thought back to Erwin, a wave of realization hit him.

"You" he said glaring at you.

"Dam sorry I didn't mean for my comment to offend you so much"

"No, your responsible for that repulsive nauseous smell Kirstein's been radiating"

"What Smell? Wait- I told that idiot only small droplets!"

"Well he smells like he drenched himself in it, Even the other cadets couldn't stand it so I'm taking the liberty of removing that smell myself"

He wiggles the hose as he eyes you with a smirk.

"And this is why no one likes you" you state snatching the hose from him.

You begin walking away from him with the hose still in hand.

"Aren't you gonna put it back?" he asked in his monotone voice as he walked besides you.

"No, We don't want our soldiers fainting from the smell. As an advisor it's my duty to get rid of anything considered obscene"

Levi smirked as he walked along side you back to where Jean was waiting for him. His smile grew wider when he saw you.

Dam he must be so impressed he brought Y/N to show her!

"Hey Y/N"

"I thought I told you only a few drops" you smiled at him.


Water interrupted his answer as Levi gave a cadet the signal to turn on the hose.

Jean gurgled at the water that unexpectedly hit his open mouth. His whole uniform got drenched as his hair flatly laid on the top of his head. You nodded at Levi who gave a thumbs up to the cadet and turned off the water.

"It still smells" Levi protested.

"You're right, I can smell it from here" you agreed.

"NO ALRIGHT IM SORRY! I GOT AHEAD OF MYSELF" said Jean as he covered himself with his hands.

You looked at Levi who gave the look to continue with the punishment. You chuckled and shook your head.

"Alright Jean, I won't hose you down again, but we still need to get rid of the smell. So I'll have you sweat it off."

"200 LAPS" said Levi.

"Advisor Y/N tell Captain Levi that's too much!" he cried out

You shrugged your shoulder at him, "Sorry I can't do that. He is your Captain so he's in charge of you. There's nothing I can do since he's not doing anything wrong"


"Shut up and start running Kirstein I want that smell sweated out"

"Yes sir" he gulped and began heading to the track.

"Yeah, he learned his lesson" you smirked watching him run under the sun.

"Agreed" replied Levi next to you.


You turned to see Erwin.

"Oh hey Advisor Erwin!" you beamed at him.

"Why the formal name?" he frowned at you.

"Because we're in public?"

"Nonsense everyone deserves to know"" he said as he gripped your arm and pulled you into an embrace.

You began blushing as you hugged him back. Levi looked uninterested at the scene in front of him.

"I thought I said I wanted you hanging out with me more" he whispered into your ear as he gave Levi a glare.

Levi blinked not believing the glare he was receiving from his so called friend. He grew annoyed at the look and sent him one back. Sure, he can be his friend but that doesn't mean he was happy with him going out with Y/N. Something about him seemed off, he looked a little too perfect for the public eye and for Y/N. It was almost as if he was hiding something.

 Besides even if he wasn't, he still stuck with the idea that he was a distraction and an obstacle for Y/N, preventing her from giving it her all for the Commander position. He tried talking Y/N out of it just like years ago, but finally getting her dream man she didn't want to let go.

"I'm sorry" you said.

"C'mon let's go hang at my office" he said tugging your arm.

"I want to, but I'm still watching Cadet Kirstein run laps. Don't want to leave him unattended" you said frowning, remembering back to Shadis' words.

"Nonsense, I'm sure Captain Levi can watch over his own cadet"

Erwin looked at Levi who nodded.

"You see, then let's go" he said placing a hand on your back and pushing you to move along.

You turned around as you began walking, you mouthed Levi a sorry. Levi waved it off and turned his attention back on Jean. Jean saw as you began to leave, a frown formed on his face wanting to have talked to you after his punishment.

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