Little Please

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The doors of the closet are ripped open. Yunno is dragged out by their feet. A sharp scream escaping them while their Paci falls from their lips. They were too filled with fear to worry about the fallen object. Usually, they'd freak out over it. The larger male looked so angry, it scared them so much. They cried and his their face with the sleeves of their hoodie, well Juan's hoodie. Juan only let Yunno wear his clothes. The male picked up Yunno and slammed them onto the bed. The air from their lungs quickly got knocked out, leaving them gasping and crying our of fear they were dying. Once they finally caught their breath Juan yanked down their pants and underwear. He spanked them for hours, eventually turning to hitting him in other places. It went on for so long Yunno gave up crying. He became so numb to to pain, the yelling, and especially the cursing.

When it was finally over Juan threw Yunno into the closet. The little curled up and watched the door closed. The shakily reach for their Paci then slip it into their mouth. They curl up and watched Juan's feet from under the door. They could hear the scary familiar lock of the door.

" Forget about eating tonight, " the males deep voice rang out.

Juan lingered for a few more minutes before leaving the apartment again. Yunno cried for hours once he left. Loud sobs and hot tears that gushed from their eyes, they let it all out. They didn't care how gross they got from it, they just couldn't hold it in anymore. They eventually cry themselves into a light sleep.


Yunno woke up to the bedroom door being slammed opened. They jumped slightly and carefully say up. They look between the gaps of the closet door to see Juan kissing some women. They looked away after watching him push her to the bed. They should be used to this by now honestly. They rolled over to face the wall and curled up. They covered their ears and closed their eyes tightly. They wished they weren't there. They wished that they were free from this world and put into another one. Yunno would do anything to get away from this life they're trapped in. They curled up into a tight ball. A few tears slipped from their eyes as they remained that way and tried to tune out the noises to sleep. It was hard though.

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