Little Scared

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" Is something wrong Yunno?" 

The robotic voice scared Yunno more than they'd cared to admit. They honestly forgot that Jarvis was still active. They shifted on the couch, only to flop over and lay on their side. They hiccuped and sniffled from how hard they had been crying. Though, they refused to move from their spot on the couch now. They wanted someone to come home, even if it was Steve. 

" Yunno?" the voice spoke out through the speakers in the ceiling. 

It pulled them from their spiraling thoughts. They rubbed their face, sniffling, as they attempted to pull themselves together enough that they could speak. However, the more they tried to, the more they felt like they were slipping out of the headspace they found so much comfort in. 

" Mhm," they answered quietly, but Jarvis was able to pick it up either way. 

" Do I need to contact someone?" the AI suggested. 

They lay there quietly, thinking about the offer. They weren't sure if it would be okay. They didn't like bothering the team, especially when they were out doing missions or their own thing. They felt bad for being so clingy and needy of someone being there. It felt almost unfair of them to behave this way. They tried their best to be good and distant, but they never expected to be left alone like this. 

" Dunno," they whispered out honestly. 

Yunno rubbed their arms through the fabric of the long sleeve they wore. The shirt only reminded them that Loki was not there even more than before. A whimper escaped them as they curled up around Lance. Lance would keep them safe, she always did. They hiccuped as they attempted to take deep breaths. 

" That's okay," Jarvis seemed to reassure the little, though there wasn't much tone to his voice. 

" Why don't you watch some tv? " he suggested after a few minutes of silence, minus the littles hiccups and sniffles. 

They thought about it for a few minutes. He was right, they should do something to get their mind off of it. The more they sat here alone thinking about this, the more it would hurt them. They slowly pulled themselves to sit up, rubbing their eyes as they had. They picked up the paci that had fallen off the couch during their crying. It happened often when they cried. Yunno was usually too busy being upset to notice the comfort item being lost. 

" How is this?" Jarvis spoke not long after Yunno had sat up. 

The tv flickered on and soon played my little pony, a show that the AI had remembered seeing Yunno watch until late hours of the night. They pulled their legs to their chest, squishing poor Lance between their thighs and chest. They didn't really mind currently, they just wanted to be close to Lance. Minutes of calmness soon turned to hours. They had been successfully distracted by the show that Jarvis played on the tv. So distracted they had not even noticed the elevator dinging and the doors slid open into the common area. 

" Yunno? What are you still doing here? " 

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